Stone Street SIM/IDS Now Officially in Beta
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New York, NY, United States, 2011/10/03 - Stone Street Solutions puts it's SIM (Security Information Management) and IDS (Intrusion Detection System) platform into Beta, designed to act as a monitoring, logging and security watchdog for PCI, HIPPA, SOX, GLBA, NERC, ISO 27002, FISMA, etc.
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The STONE SIM is a software system designed and implemented as a dashboard application to get the state of different system statuses, deployed in a LAN or vLan (over the internet) . The SIM uses different well known open source applications to provide the system logs and other statistics/analytics. The IDS tools functions to part of the SIM function tries to analyze those logs and statistics to get a sense of the systems. It also features application monitoring in which we monitor application logs using rsyslog (parses logs generated by rsyslog) on client side and send the to server using tcp where they are analyzed accordingly. All this data is represented in form of charts. We can also generate reports based on these logs and system statistics in pdf, csv and xls formats.
An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) detects network traffic that attempts to circumvent or destroy the security policy of a networked computer environment in attempt to deteriorate the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of computer resources. Understanding the threats that are assaulting your IT infrastructure is key to designing defenses to prevent catastrophic downtime. Intrusion detection services from Stone Street Solutions coupled with our managed firewall service, provide your business with a formidable defense against intruders.
The background processes do all the hard work analyzing and logs and putting them into the database tables in order to show the info in the web portal. The main background processes running are syslog parser, Snort, OSsec, rrd data parser (parses logs generated by collectd which are in .rrd ‘round robin database’ format.) and the Asset checker which pings the assets to see if they are alive or not.
Many systems and applications which run on a computer network generate events which are kept in event logs. These logs are essentially lists of activities that occurred, with records of new events being appended to the end of the logs as they occur. Protocols, such as Syslog and SNMP, can be used to transport these events, as they occur, to logging software that is not on the same host on which the events are generated. Stone Street SIM provides a flexible array of supported communication protocols to allow for the broadest range of event collection.
Stone Street Solutions (stonestreetsolutions.com) has partnered with other service providers like Rackspace, Softlayer, Terremark and other hosting and solutions providers, with the intent on providing its solution through these various channels and to grow to a serious security solutions provider.
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Contact: Simon Grunfeld - StoneStreetSolutions.com
877-748-7866 simon[.]stonestreetsolutions.com