In San Diego, the number of default notices, the first step in the foreclosure process, ballooned in August. Notices rose from 1,274 in July to 2,094 in August. That’s the largest month-to-month percentage increase since December 2008.
"What these numbers say to me is this is possibly the best market for buyers, investors (who qualify for, know how to get, or have money) ever in San Diego and most other markets." said Mark Kunce, real estate investment expert with SDMyHome.com.
Mark Kunce and his business partner Den Becker will host The Millionaire San Diego Real Estate Investor Work Shop.
"This seminar is free", Mark said," this workshop is based on the book The Millionaire Real Estate Investor, written by Gary Keller, which collects the wisdom and experience of more than 120 Millionaire Real Estate Investors who built financial wealth through real estate investing. "
Mark and Dan have held the seminars 5 times before.
"Many people look at this as a time of hardship and despair. However, I see it as one of the greatest opportunities in Real Estate investment there has ever been. It is a time when through short sale or foreclosure many will find themselves in a rebuilding period hopefully with the opportunity to start again, to start over in a real estate environment which makes more since than it has for many years. It will take time and effort but over the next few years there will be many opportunities emerge for everyone. "
The seminar will be held Saturday, Tuesday, September 27 2011, 7PM. You must register to attend by calling 619-573-7557 or register online.
About Mark Kunce
Mark grew up in a family involved in Real Estate Sales. Mark had traveled to Washington DC, attended Fannie Mae Congressional hearing, was recently an expert guest on The Michael E. Gerber Show and joined a select group of business experts and entrepreneurs to collaborate and co-write the business and marketing book titled Trendsetters: The World’s Leading Experts Reveal Top Trends To Help You Achieve Greater Health, Wealth and Success! Nick Nanton, Esq. along with business partner, JW Dicks, Esq., recently signed a publishing deal with each of these authors to contribute their expertise to the book, which will be released under their CelebrityPress™ imprint.