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Derby, Derbyshire, United Kingdom, 2011/04/06 - Soutron, a long established supplier of library automation systems for corporate and special libraries, has introduced a new Integration Services module to its SoutronSOLO library management system - Soutron.com.
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Search Direct From Your Website
Web developers and web masters in particular will appreciate the simplicity of embedding a search of the SOLO repository into their website. Simple commands for specific or generalised search requests will deliver structured and formatted XML content back for transformation into any style or layout for the benefit of users.
“This adds enormous flexibility to the system for our clients and increases the value from their investment in SOLO as a repository” says Graham Partridge, R & D Director who is responsible for development of Soutron software solutions.
Research Friendly
“I was receiving increasing client requests for a search facility which could be embedded in a website, together with requests to integrate with digital archives. Then we were approached by the Institute of Social and Economic Research to make SOLO the repository for all their library and research materials.
The research institute wanted to combine data that was held in SOLO with that held in another internal system and to publish it in a particular way. Their web master ‘s requirements were similar to those we received from system integrators working with some of our membership associations and this led us to extend the range of options in the API”.
Membership Services
Included with Integration Services are user management functions. Active Directory support provides a seamless means to load user data and authenticate users to secure access to materials in the repository. This allows organisations to integrate SOLO with membership systems via web services to ensure that any transaction by or for a user is automatically validated against the membership database.
Bright Ideas
One of the first API projects is the integration of SOLO with Inmagic® Presto, available from Soutron, alongside SOLO, for enterprise social knowledge networks and IdeaNet™ solutions.
The combination of strong library management functions with Presto’s social capabilities offers clients a comprehensive solution from a single source for all their information management needs.
About Soutron
Soutron (soutron.com), established in 1989, is the longest established supplier of software solutions exclusively for Corporate and Special Library Management in the United Kingdom. The company is the developer of SoutronGLOBAL and SoutronSOLO Library automation systems, SoutronTHESAURUS software and has been the sole representative for Inmagic, Inc software in the UK and Ireland since 1991 selling and supporting the full range of Inmagic’s products. Soutron’s clients represent all sectors including government, charity, legal, industrial manufacturing and service industries.
Inmagic and the Inmagic logo and IdeaNet are trademarks of Inmagic, Inc.
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Contact: Sara Elliss - Soutron.com
+44(0)13 3284 4030 sara.elliss[.]soutron.com