Finally, an innovative new rope designed and engineered for cruisers that the entire cruising community is excited about. Don’t take our word for it — from SAIL Magazine to Latitudes and Attitudes, Yale’s Ph.D. Cruiser is winning awards and accolades from prominent cruisers everywhere.
Rather than relying on double-braid line’s standard bulkycore–jacket combination, Ph.D. Cruiser’s unique construction entwines bundles of load-bearing, pre-stretched polyester strandswith Yale’s proprietary super-grippy iGrip-treated polyester outer fibers; these encapsulated polyester strands are then woven into an elegant 12-strand, single-braid line that boasts similar—or better—strength attributes than standard double-braid, sans bulk, weight, or cumbersome, awkward construction inherent to doublebraid’s construction process.
Thanks to Yale’s revolutionary iGrip fiber-coating process, Ph.D. grips winch drums and sailing gloves when needed, equating to fewer white knuckles, fewer wraps around a winch drum — and safer and more deliberate sail handling. SAIL Magazine awarded Yale’s Ph.D. Cruiser its highest honor: the 2011 Pittman Innovation Award. SAIL’s Executive Editor Charlie Doane calls Yale’s Ph.D. Cruiser a “problem solver” referring to the fact that it has a soft hand, never kinks or hockles, boasts high UV-resistance, and “anyone with a fid can splice it in two minutes.”
With comments like that coming from Mr. Doane, you know Ph.D. is something special, and it deserves a closer look if you spend time in a cruising boat’s cockpit. Each multi-strand bundle is sleeved with iGrip, Yale’s proprietary polyester fiber coating, for the most secure grip in the marine industry. Continuous-filament polyester cores are strong Single-braid construction splices quickly and easily—as fast as 30 seconds. No kidding!
Latitudes and Attitudes’ Bob Bitchin tells his audience, “Yale’s Ph.D. Cruiser is a great product at an even better price, and it’s very cleverly packaged. Ph.D. Cruiser sheets are pre-cut to generous lengths and sealed in their own clear sheet bag with carrying handle, complete with splicing instructions and even the correct size splicing fid!”
What sets Ph.D. Cruiser apart? Yale’s Ph.D. Cruiser is highly sophisticated and brilliantly engineered. Ph.D. Cruiser effortlessly glides through blocks with massively reduced friction compared to traditional cordage, and its innovative construction eliminates frustrating kinks or hockles when you need to quickly pay out line.
But that’s only half of Ph.D. Cruiser’s magic—its genius is that it also grips winch drums and sailing gloves like Velcro when needed, and it even securely holds knots and hitches. But its true knot-tying magic occurs when it’s time to unbend knots and hitches, as Ph.D. is easily untied, even after exposure to high loads. Given that a common splice is more than twice as strong as a knot, we designed Ph.D. to splice quickly and easily, often in less than 30 seconds!
Once you try Ph.D. Cruiser from Yale Cordage for yourself, you’ll immediately feel the difference, and your crew will appreciate you even more.
And — unlike paying for your doctorate at an Ivy-League University — your Ph.D. Cruiser from Yale Cordage (yalecordage.com) is surprisingly affordable, leaving plenty of cash for new sails and upgraded gear.
Please come see award-winning Ph.D. from Yale Cordage at the Miami International Boat Show, and ask to see our two-minute splicing demo. Ph.D. Cruiser will be available at Latitudes and Attitudes’ Booth #1033 - Bayside; Ph.D. Racer is available at Line Honors’ Booth #1021 - Bayside.
Please check out our attached Ph.D. Cruiser sell sheet for more details on Ph.D.’s unique construction.
Get your Ph.D. Cruiser from Yale Cordage, and you’ll immediately feel the difference.