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Agency / Source: Miracle Smart Card (P) Ltd

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Miracle Software Solution Unveils 'Ravi Aerobics & Fitness Studio' with imFit - A Web Based Smart Card Linked App - A popular fitness centre in Bhavnagar, Gujarat , India will soon start using Miracle’s Web enabled Smart Card based application – “imFit”. It takes care of their registrations, access and maintains healthrecord. members can view their data online
Miracle Software Solution Unveils 'Ravi Aerobics & Fitness Studio' with imFit - A Web Based Smart Card Linked App


NewswireTODAY - /newswire/ - Pune, Maharashtra, India, 2011/01/03 - A popular fitness centre in Bhavnagar, Gujarat , India will soon start using Miracle’s Web enabled Smart Card based application – “imFit”. It takes care of their registrations, access and maintains healthrecord. members can view their data online.

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This application has modules like registration, batch management , Health Record Management, Fee Management (Auto Fee calculation module linked with attendance) and MIS reporting.

The fitness studio will distribute Smart Cards to it’s registered customers who will use it whenever they enter and exit the fitness studio. The access to different areas are also controlled using Smart Card. For e.g. if a batch of Aerobics is supposed to use the Main Aerobics center, then the members of the batch will not be allowed to use /enter any other areas like SPA lounge etc. If a member of SPA batch is using the SPA unit, when he/she is using the SPA then the time duration is monitored by the access ( entry and exit) to the SPA lounge. This way access to different places is restricted as per batch configuration and the fees are also linked as per the usage of that unit.

A Loyalty Smart Card will be issued to the Loyal Members and they will get loyalty points with the other Sellers ( retailers ) with whom Fitness Studio plans to tie-up with. The CEO of Ravi Aerobics, Mr Hitesh Baraiya - a certified Reebok Trainer was quite pleased to know that a Smart Card based application can be used in many different areas. As a next step he is soon planning to open a Small Health Drink Corner in his studio and his members will be able to use the same Smart Card as a paycard within his center. The members will need to TOPUP ( recharge) the Smart Card and then transact cashless till the TOPUP amount is exhausted. This way
the members do not have to worry for change and coins during payment.

Mr Baraiya feels that Loyalty Smart card will act as a catalyst to his growth plans of increasing the outlets pan Gujarat the next 2-3 of years.

imFit is hosted centrally on secure internet and hence any new studio of Ravi Aerobics would need an internet connection and a Smart Card reader to get started. Mr Baraiya will now not have the hassles of maintaining the application, worry about security issues and will get his MIS and exception reports which are just a click away.
Miracle Software Solution has used their proprietary copyrighted © “Web based Smart Card Integration Software” to develop this application. For additional information about the imFit please contact Maulik Shah / Rakesh Jadhav or visit

About Miracle Software Solution
Miracle Software Solution ( is a growing IT software development company based in Bhavnagar – Gujarat and Pune in India and New Jersey - US. With focus on development in new and emerging technologies like Smart Cards and RFID, Miracle is now proactively taking their product imFit to the Fitness Center and SPAs.

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Agency / Source: Miracle Smart Card (P) Ltd


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Miracle Software Solution Unveils 'Ravi Aerobics & Fitness Studio' with imFit - A Web Based Smart Card Linked App

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