This lecture, "La Esposa de Colón -Comendadora de Santiago," [The Wife of Columbus-Comendadora of Santiago] is incorporated into the program of the Centro de Estudios de América (Center for American Studies) of the University of Valladolid in Spain. Following on the heels of Rosa’s new Spanish book "COLÓN. La Historia Nunca Contada," [Columbus. The Untold Story,] this conference will prove, with Portuguese documentation related to Filipa Moniz, the noble Portuguese wife of Christopher Columbus, that the current history of a "wool-weaver Columbus" is a fairy tale.
The history of Cristóbal Colón, wrongly called “Christopher Columbus” in English, has been an enormous controversy for centuries and lately even more so due to new facts, including forensic and DNA results, that show a story completely different from the story in our school history books.
Everything indicates that the discoverer was not the peasant Italian, after all, but a noble and a Portuguese spy, secretly infiltrated into the Spanish court by Portugal’s King John II. The life of Christopher Columbus remained shrouded in mystery because the discoverer's name, Cristóbal Colón, was an alias used to trick the Spanish since the discoverer of America was in fact a “James Bond-style” secret agent for King John II of Portugal.
According to Rosa, the new documentation helps to show that Columbus convinced Spain’s King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to open a new route to a “false India” to safeguard the way for the Portuguese to round Africa and reach the real India, which Vasco da Gama did in 1498.
Since Spain and Portugal were enemies and fought over control of the Atlantic trade routes, in 1483 Queen Isabella planned the assassination of Portugal's John II with the aid of two highly placed Portuguese nobles-Marquis D. John of Braganza and Count D. Lopo de Albuquerque-nephews of Columbus. This moved the Portuguese king to work out a conspiracy with the help of the future Admiral of the Indies, who infiltrated the court of Spain accompanying his traitorous nephews. This historical fact is clearly detailed in Rosa's latest book which resulted from 20 years of scientific investigation of the documents, letters and chronicles. Among other details presented in this new book, is:
- solid proof that the Last Will of Columbus dated 1498 is a forgery created 80 years after Columbus died;
- that the ship Santa Maria never sank off the coast of Haiti but was instead dragged onto shore and shot with a cannonball through its sides to maroon the Spanish court's overseers so they could not contest the version of the facts given to the court upon Columbus's return;
- that the New World was already known to exist prior to the First Voyage;
- that Columbus's wife was a member of the chosen elite of Portugal unable to marry anyone without the King's permission;
- and that Columbus knew before he left Spain exactly where he was headed and the type of people he would encounter on the voyage. For this reason he took in his treading trunk trinkets, such as glass beads, hats and hawk's bells, all things of no value that would be laughed at in the real India.
“Columbus, acting as a true 007 of his day, was not working alone in Spain and had a whole group of underlings in Seville, all working for the King of Portugal,” says Mr. Rosa, “and the secret mission even included a Portuguese spy on the Pinta who secretly carried cinnamon to give to Martin Pinzón saying he got it form a native who carried bunches of it. An outright lie since cinnamon was never found in the New World until this day,” he elaborated, saying it is all minutely detailed in COLÓN. La Historia Nunca Contada.
For this investigator, Columbus could not have been Italian because he never wrote a single letter in that language, all letters were in Spanish with Portuguese phrases, which shows that Portuguese was his first language. And in a letter to Ferdinand and Isabella, Christopher Columbus called Portugal “the land of my birth.”
Mr. Rosa, a Portuguese-American who works at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina, lectured at North Carolina State University last month and has spent the last few weeks lecturing in Portugal, including a conference on October 11 at the prestigious Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa (Geographic Society of Lisbon, est. 1875.)
Many academics are praising this new research. Professor Antonio Vicente from the University of Lisbon, wrote that Manuel Rosa’s book is the “first to be written about Christopher Columbus that unfolds each hypothesis point by point and without being influenced by previous accounts or theories.”
The weightiest commentary comes from Professor Joaquim Verissimo Serrao, a Portuguese historian, retired Dean of the University of Lisbon and recipient of the 1995 Prince of Asturias Prize for Social Sciences, who wrote the book’s prologue. “Rosa has compiled the history of the discoverer of the New World, in a work of revision that deserves to be described as serious and diligent...he has given himself up completely to the greatest dream of his life. And that dream is the new biography of Christopher Columbus,” Verissimo Serrao writes.