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Dallas, TX, United States, 2010/09/13 - Calling You Daily provides inspirational phone calls, prank calls and more - CallingYouDaily.com.
You’re amazing, and you deserve to hear someone say it. Just ask Robert Furber and Brad Wiley.
Furber and Wiley’s firm, TecPorting, Inc., launched Calling You Daily (CallingYouDaily.com) September 13, a highly-anticipated service that allows users to order live motivational telephone calls for themselves or others. The half-minute calls range from positive affirmations to birthday wishes – and everything in between.
“Calling You Daily provides personal encouragement and motivation through uplifting phone calls delivered at users’ requests,” says Furber. “These calls go well beyond reassurance and daily self-confidence boosts. We do personal reminders, spiritual messages and famous quotes.”
People often underestimate the value of affirmations and the use of humorous messages like those provided by Calling You Daily.
“Positive affirmations are among the most valuable tools we as humans can use to influence the lives of others. A positive affirmation possesses the power to lift a person’s spirits and increase enjoyment for the day,” says Michigan-based counselor Lisa Murphy. “These trigger our ‘feel good’ endorphins – just as exercise does.”
Murphy also indicates that a little kindness goes a long way. “When you do something positive for another person, they are positive toward the people they meet throughout the day.”
Calling You Daily’s services work to boost optimism and self-esteem. According to Dr. Jonathan Haidt, professor of social psychology at the University of Virginia, the emotions evoked by kindness are unlike any other emotions we feel. Receiving a kindness – like an encouraging or touching phone call – can influence the way people feel about themselves.
“These emotions give people a sense of uplift and inspiration,” says Haidt. “They make us feel like better people.”
Furber explains that everyone needs to hear something positive – and those with a solid sense of humor might appreciate a quick jab delivered by a Calling You Daily agent.
“Eight year-old Rebekah’s first recital? 19 year-old Tim is heading off to college? Grandma just turned 80? We’ll call them,” says Furber. “We even have a Phone Pest service so users can give family and friends a hard time and keep them grinning.”
Calling You Daily’s Phone Pest option is carefully monitored to ensure all calls are entertaining – not harassing. Supervisors check all call messages before calls are placed; profanity, inflammatory speech, glamorization of illegal substances or activities and exploitation of minors won’t make it through their screening process.
Once a call or package has been purchased, users are prompted to select from a host of categories – including motivational, romantic and get well – and are later given the option to add details on the content of the call. If they choose, users can personalize any message through the service by requesting call agents use nicknames, mention ‘inside’ jokes or deliver a specific message.
A live person makes the call at the requested time – and if no one answers, they redial within two hours. As a last resort, Calling You Daily agents leave a voicemail to ensure the message is received.
“Calling You Daily has something for everyone,” says Furber, “whether there’s a special occasion or you just want to improve someone’s mood. These calls make really unique gifts; who else is going to give the gift of uplifting phone calls every day?”
TecPorting (TecPorting.com) donates 10% of every Calling You Daily purchase to Blood:Water Mission, a non-profit organization empowering African communities through education.