The Golf Academy of Arizona proudly announces its relocation into expanded, more modern quarters. As a campus of the San Diego Golf Academy, the oldest, largest and one of the most esteemed golf schools in the world, the TGAA management team responded to the increased demand of aspiring golf professionals, while addressing the need for rejuvenation in an effort to keep up with the ever-changing world of golf.
TGAA Director and PGA Master Professional Tim Eberlein, expresses his enthusiasm for the recently completed project. He says, “We feel that we offer a truly unique program. It's so much more than just a golf school or lessons. Our students are coached in every aspect of the sport - from how to teach the game to managing a golf complex. We prepare our students for a true golf career.” He continues, “And truthfully we were outgrowing our original facility. We recognized the need to grow and change, much like the sport itself has grown and changed over the years. It was a natural progression.”
Founded in 1996, The Golf Academy of Arizona (sdgagolf.com) is located just outside of Phoenix in Chandler, AZ. This location was strategically chosen for its relative proximity to Scottsdale, an established hub of PGA and LPGA activity. The vast campus is equipped to handle all aspects of instruction and then provides extensive job placement assistance to all graduating students. Now with over 10,000 square feet for classrooms and instruction, TGAA's new campus also acquired a new golf simulator to add to its expansive teaching and learning aids. The state-of-the-art facilities also include a computer lab, administrative offices, student and placement service areas, a lounge, and library.
The San Diego Golf Academy, a division of Virginia College, has long distinguished itself as the ultimate in golf instruction. It is an intensive 16-month Associate of Applied/Occupational business degree accredited program. The curriculum is divided between golf instruction and business management, operating on the principle that golf is no longer merely a sport, but an industry - one that the SDGA sees as brimming with opportunity.
Paul Zagnoni, President of SGDA adds, “It is our job to show students how to turn their love of the green into green. Now more than ever, we provide our students with all of the necessary tools for a successful career in golf.” He concludes, “The finished product has far exceeded our every expectation."