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Traunstein, Germany, 2010/02/12 - b3c Newswire - First PR distribution service to use biotech social media and online PR distribution strategies to reach hundreds of biotech bloggers and online media as well as thousands of biotech professionals - b3cNewswire.com.
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b3c newswire, the first PR distribution service specializing in press release dissemination for the biotech industry, proactively uses biotech social media PR distribution strategies to increase news visibility, in addition to targeting the international biotech and pharmaceutical trade magazines.
“The steadily growing impact of the Internet necessitates the implementation of online PR distribution strategies in addition to targeting the well-known trade magazines,” says Dr. Sabine Duntze from b3c newswire. “b3c newswire is the first PR distribution service to proactively post press releases to biotech social media sites to increase visibility among thousands of biotech professionals.”
With more than 1,500 media titles and 16 specialized channels, b3c newswire has the largest reach in biotech and pharmaceutical trade media worldwide. b3c newswire today maintains a targeted biotech Twitter network giving access to biotech bloggers and reaches thousands of biotech professionals through biotech social media.
Main features of b3c newswire:
• Global reach to the biotech and pharmaceutical trade media;
• 16 specialized channels available;
• News is distributed according to the preferences of the editors;
• Reaches hundreds of biotech bloggers and online media through a biotech Twitter network;
• Reaches thousands of biotech professionals through biotech social media;
b3c’s experts are experienced biotech PR consultants with a life science background. All media titles are hand-picked during many years in business and the distribution network is continuously developed to ensure its consistent high quality and reach.
For more information visit b3cnewswire.com/.
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Contact: Sabine Duntze - B3C.de
+49 8619098220 info[.]b3cnewswire.com