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Louisville, KY, United States, 2010/01/05 - The 598th anniversary of the birthday of Saint Joan of Arc is Wednesday January 6, 2010, and a special page with details about the birth of Joan is available at MaidOfHeven.com to help people celebrate this special day.
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Joan of Arc was born on January 6, 1412, and this Wednesday is the 598th anniversary of her birthday. MaidOfHeaven.com is celebrating with a special page commemorating her birthday that explains the significance of her birth on January 6th which is the celebration of the Epiphany. As author Ben D. Kennedy of MaidOfHeaven.com explains: “Saint Joan of Arc is beloved by many people and her birthday is a great opportunity to remember her and celebrate her incredible life. Her birth on the Epiphany is something that most people are not aware of that further amazes them about the supernatural nature of Joan’s life.”
Joan of Arc lived a mere nineteen years but the brilliance of her life has continued to inspire people down through the ages. She was the youngest person in history at only seventeen to command the armies of a nation. She won two of the greatest victories in all of military history at Orleans and Patay. Despite her military success she was ultimately captured by her enemies and convicted in a rigged trial for heresy and burned at the stake where she died at the young age of nineteen. Throughout her life she maintained her great faith in God and ultimately was rewarded in 1920 when she was canonized a Saint by the same Church that had once condemned her to death.
The special page about Joan of Arc’s birthday at Maid of Heaven contains actual quotes about Joan’s birth by some of the people that knew her when she lived. These descriptions by Joan’s contemporaries also relate what Joan was like when she was just a young girl growing up in the small town of Domremy in eastern France where she was born. A visit to this page is a great way to remember Joan as she really was and to celebrate her birthday.
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Contact: Ben Kennedy - MaidOfHeaven.com
502-515-1087 poetbdk[.]yahoo.com