Working as part of the Webropol toolset, the Text Mining solution allows for analysis, classification and grouping of textual answers based on occurring themes, keywords and respondent background data. Thanks to this toolset organisations can now process and analyse unstructured survey data more quickly, thoroughly, and objectively than ever before.
”It is unfortunate how often one runs into situations where managers would like to ask customers for free feedback, but will not do so in the fear of having to read sheet after sheet of answers. The Text Mining solution opens up completely new ways to use unstructured data for business intelligence purposes when hours worth of manual work is done in minutes.”, says UK Country Manager Mukesh Bassi from Webropol.
By comparing textual answers based on other responses and on background data managers get an insight into how feedback, suggestions, and ideas vary depending on e.g. employee satisfaction or customer life cycle. This will also help organisations set up and fine-tune their numeric customer and employee metrics to measure the things that are the most relevant.
”The Text Mining solution suits excellently both short surveys, and more complex research, especially when you are asking respondents for their ideas, feedback, or advice. It is virtually impossible to collect all ideas unless you gather answers in free form”, Mukesh points out.
The Text Mining solution works as part of the Webropol survey software (webropol.com), but data can be brought for analysis from external sources as well.