NC Beautiful, a provider of environmental education and beautification opportunities that elevate the quality of life of North Carolinians, has announced the contribution of two $1,000 Windows of Opportunity Grants to Durham County educators by Town & Country Garden Club. Windows of Opportunity Grants reward NC educators for their creativity in fostering environmental stewardship, leadership, and awareness and initiating a sense of community service.
The Windows of Opportunity Grants were created to cultivate an appreciation of natural environments by helping children get out of school and into natural settings. The grants also build leadership awareness, develop environmental educational mentors and ambassadors, create materials and resources that can be used by other K-12 students, and develop a sustainable, outdoor program, which will continue well after the grant period ends. NC Beautiful Executive Director, Steve Vacendak, is grateful for the generosity of Town & Country Garden Club and says that he hopes Durham County educators take advantage of this opportunity to connect students with the world around them.
“The next generation of young stewards are well on their way to perpetuating the natural beauty of North Carolina,” says Vacendak. “Any visit into our classrooms across the state shows the tremendous amount of time that our teachers are investing in our young citizens. With the kind support of organizations like Town & Country Garden Club, we can help ensure that our educators have the resources they need in order to help this and future generations keep North Carolina beautiful.”
Town & Country Garden Club was organized September 19, 1964 and is a member of the Durham Council of Garden Clubs and the Garden Club of North Carolina, Inc. For the past 45 years, the organization has been productive, interested, and willing to share time and talents for the betterment of their community and state. Through fundraising events, the club has financed many projects and contributions including scholarships for horticulture students at NC State University, the purchase and installation of a cistern (rainwater) collection system at the Durham Farmer’s Market, a beautification project at Durham’s Community Family Life & Recreation Center at Lyon Park, and a beautification project in Durham’s historic Hope Valley neighbor.
Town & Country Garden Club’s mission is to encourage interest in and to promote the beautification and enhancement of the environment, to promote the betterment of their community, and to make this commitment by way of membership participation through education, projects, and financial support. Club President, Katherine Kirschner, says that because Town & Country Garden Club and NC Beautiful share the same environmental commitment and vision, contributing to the Windows of Opportunity program seemed a good fit.
“Like NC Beautiful, Town and Country Garden Club supports the beautification of our environment,” says Kirschner. “We believe that reaching out to the children of Durham and teaching them the importance of natural preservation is essential to the long-term betterment of our community. What better way to accomplish our club’s mission than by contributing funds to this most worthy of projects.”
About NC Beautiful
NC Beautiful (ncbeautiful.org) has been part of the state’s environmental preservation community for 40 years, supporting awareness, education and beautification efforts that affect our quality of life. Today, we concentrate on hands-on and merit-based programs designed to empower our citizens to preserve the natural beauty of the state of North Carolina. Whether it’s school children building outdoor classrooms, graduate students developing cutting edge research, or a Boy Scout troop planting azaleas at an elder care facility, we make it possible for North Carolinians to keep NC Beautiful.