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Sacramento, CA, United States, 2009/08/13 - 'The Public Domain Publishing Bible' by Andras M. Nagy - In this soft economy many people are looking for viable home based businesses. Writers, stay-home Moms who blog or dabble into writing will find this book a useful guide.
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Ever since on-demand, digital technologies made this a low cost and open business to enter anyone who had considered entering into the field of POD publishing has made an attempt to publish public domain works. “Since there are legal implications as well as marketing considerations the road to public domain publishing has never been an easy or smooth entry as the myriads of online e-Books or promoters suggest.” According to Morris Rosenthal, publishing expert and blogger, who wrote and article on republishing old cookbooks.
The author of this book has been dabbling into writing for the last six years, after realizing that having written three books just does not justify the cost of establishing a fully featured publishing entity, so he had decided to publish works of Public Domain as well as his own writings.
His book depicts the ups and downs of the business, how to pick a good genre to specialize in and it is filled with generous amount of resources and technical details of on demand publishing.
This book has been pre-released on lulu.com with plans of launching worldwide distribution by November of 2009 by the Ingram Group. The initial format will be 6x9, softcopy, 160-pages, black and white with 28 illustrations. ISBN 978-0-9824994-1-2, Library of Congress Number 2009933517
About the Author
The author (andras-nagy.com) was born and raised in Budapest, Hungary. He came to the US in 1979. He has a varied background that included decades of IT consulting, technical writing for Fortune 500 companies. He is a publisher of at least 50-titles and author of 5 books.
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Contact: Andras Nagy - Andras-Nagy.com
916-285-6894 andrasnm[.]gmail.com