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Minneapolis, MN, United States, 2009/06/05 - BestTreadmillsOnline.com - Treadmill review website launches the Treadmill Comparison Tool, a dynamic table that lets consumers easily match up some of the leading treadmills in the market today, side-by-side and feature-for-feature.
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For fitness enthusiasts, choosing the right treadmill can be a difficult decision especially in the face of so many treadmill manufacturers and models available. BestTreadmillsOnline.com is proud to announce the launching of its treadmill comparison tool which allows consumers to compare any two treadmills side-by-side, providing the basic information consumers need to make their treadmill shopping as convenient and simple as possible.
"There are many treadmill review sites that show static tables of different treadmills matched up against one another, but what makes our comparison tool unique is that it is dynamic," says Travis Van Slooten, founder and editor of Best Treadmills Online. "You can make comparisons of various treadmill models offered and with 26 data points shown, it's incredibly convenient for the consumer to see the exact differences between two treadmills they may be interested in."
Aside from offering this very useful comparison tool, BestTreadmillsOnline.com provides reviews and information on treadmills made by the two most popular online treadmill retailers today - Smooth Fitness and Sole Treadmills.
Many individuals may not be aware of this fact but buying treadmills online actually makes a lot of sense because treadmill manufacturers that sell primarily through the internet such as Smooth or Sole don’t need to spend on overhead expenses that traditional retail stores have. As a result they can discount their prices significantly up to as much as 45% and offer free shipping. Plus, buying a treadmill online is sales tax free in most cases. It's no wonder that online sales of treadmills continue to grow despite the challenges in the economy right now.
And now with this new treadmill comparison tool, potential buyers will find it easier to evaluate online treadmills because it speeds up the research and takes the guesswork out of trying to figure out which treadmills are best for their needs.
Van Slooten adds, "This is just our first tool to help consumers with their treadmill shopping. Our next tool that will be released this summer will allow consumers to find treadmills that meet their specific criteria within a matter of seconds."
To compare treadmills using this dynamic tool and learn more about the different treadmills available online.
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