What: The Unity Art Gallery maintained by Unity Corps, Inc. is showing a continuous online exhibition of art promoting the theme of human unity in society. Unity art is the common description for this type of stylistic display.
According to Angel Tenes, Executive Director of Unity Corps, "It is no longer acceptable that exposure in the arts, mainstream media, or society in general be limited to the predominance of a few select groups. It is through the furtherance of a widespread appreciation for all people and the development of feelings for oneness amongst all humanity, that, the way to peace on this planet can be achieved." He continues, "In order to develop this type of worldwide consciousness, I know of no other means more powerful than the arts to bring about this humanitarian dream."
As such, to foster an acceptance for cultural diversity on a national and worldwide scale, Unity Corps' selection of artists are drawn from various backgrounds (i.e., ethnic, religious/spiritual, national origin, and sexual orientations) to represent the great diversity of cultures and subcultures which prevail in a modern progressive society. The current unity art exhibition entitled “Unity in the streets and beyond..” displays a selection of pieces reflecting the fusion of cultures and subcultural influences commonly seen in the greater unity movement rapidly spreading throughout the cities and streets of today's society. The current art exhibition both displays and gives homage to Buddhism, Christianity, the acceptance of diversity in modern spirituality, urban street grafitti, and the beauty of street murals seen in Los Angeles, CA.
A document entitled, “The Principles of Unity Art”, which specifically states the main elements most commonly used in unity art and the selection crieria for inclusion in the Unity Art Gallery may be accessed by visiting the website.
When: The Spring 2009 unity art exhibit will be featured in the Unity Art Gallery from Mar. 30 to Jun. 21, 2009.
Where: The Unity Art Gallery can be generally viewed at UnityArtGallery.com
Who: Featured artists for this season's unity art display are Mac of Denver, CO and Retna of Los Angeles, CA. On display for the Spring 2009 exhibit are the following art pieces:
- A main featured painting of two hands clasping entitled "Unity" by Mac.
- A Los Angeles street mural entitled "Digital Mary" by Retna.
- A Los Angeles street mural entitled "Buddha" by Mac and Retna.
- A fusion of photography and paint entitled "Corazon Sacrada" by Retna.
- A painting of an urban black youth angel entitled "Devoto" by Mac.
- A Los Angeles street mural at the corner of Hollywood Blvd & Western Ave.
Nonprofit Mission: Unity Corps, Inc. (unitycorps.org) was founded shortly after the ethnic tensions and U.S. domestic violence unleashed during the Los Angeles Riots of 1992. As stated in the founding Articles of Incorporation, the specific purpose of the organization is "to seek out those individuals and groups who support the aims of racial (ethnic), religious (spiritual), and sexual nondiscrimination, and to provide for the peaceful promotion of human unity via the arts, assemblage, media, and other means of goodwill." Presently, the organization seeks support in any manner of contribution available from the public. Please do not hesitate to contact the organization in offer of your support or to voice an opinion on any matter regarding their mission.
For further information write: Unity Corps, Inc., PO Box 29219, Los Angeles, CA 90029 or call toll free 1-800-927-0270.