ArcMail Technology announces today that it has been listed in the Gartner E-Mail Appliance Vendor Market report published January 16, 2009. The report analyzes the emerging market for e-mail archiving appliances. According to Gartner, ArcMail holds 20 percent of this email archiving market share worldwide at year end 2008.
"We believe this report underscores ArcMail’s market share position as a superior plug 'n play e-mail archiving product," remarked William T. Gates, CEO of ArcMail. "As industry leaders, we understand the needs of the market and continue to build functionality into products that will give our users a competitive advantage."
Introduced in 2005, ArcMail Defender is a turnkey e-mail archiving product that automatically captures all inbound, outbound and internal e-mail and securely stores them. Defender eliminates the need for large mailbox files and makes searching through e-mails fast and easy, by combining archiving functionality with built-in storage management. The product is easy to buy, install, and use. The Defender saves time, reduces costs, and increases productivity while solving compliance issues.
According to Gates, "While the SMB market is the fastest growing sector for email archiving, we’ve also seen tremendous success at the enterprise level due to the fact that our solution is so robust, yet easy to deploy and use. For about 10 percent of the cost from the big vendors, our largest customers have been up and running in just days—not weeks or months—because it works with any IT infrastructure."
Gartner Inc. "E-Mail Archiving Appliances Target Small and Midsize Organizations With Limited Requirements," Carolyn DiCenzo, January 16, 2009.
About ArcMail Technology
Founded in 2005, ArcMail Technology (arcmail.com) is a leading provider of simple, secure, and cost-effective e-mail archiving and management solutions for businesses, government agencies, and organizations of all sizes. ArcMail has a global channel program to deliver its products worldwide. Recently honored with the Network Products Guide 2008 Product Innovation Award, ArcMail is a North American company headquartered in Louisiana with development groups in Washington and Arizona.