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Pasadena, CA, United States, 2009/03/27 - AuriQ Systems, Inc. a leader in mobile web metrics in Japan, is opening the doors to its new hosted analytics service here in the U.S, providing web marketers and site owners key insights about their mobile web users.
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With the success of its beta launch of myRT Mobile in Japan, with over 2000 registered users and over 40 million visits per month in less than a year, AuriQ Systems is venturing into the US mobile web analytics market. myRT Mobile US (myrtmobile.com) provides mobile marketers and site owners key insights about their mobile web visitors including which carrier networks they use, types of devices, and their capabilities. Being able to segment visitors by device features such as their display sizes, streaming capability, or GPS tracking function helps mobile web marketers identify trends in the mobile device market and allow them to customize their marketing strategies to take advantage of these features to increase visitor engagement and conversion.
In addition to its mobile specific metrics, myRT Mobile provides industry standard web metrics for content measurement, search engine and referral tracking, visitor location and behavior. Also, included are campaign tracking features that allow marketers to measure the effectiveness of their mobile and PC based online marketing initiatives and compare their performance side by side. It is a complete and powerful tool for optimizing mobile web marketing and web site performance.
The service is available free during the beta phase, and unlike some of its competitors, is not currently limiting pageviews. AuriQ intends to offer additional services to complement and enhance its service once out of beta for a nominal fee. Please visit myrtmobile.com for more detail.
About AuriQ Systems, Inc.
Since its inception in 1996, AuriQ (auriq.com) has focused on bringing its customers a more complete understanding of their e-business and enable real-time changes with best in class analytics software and services. AuriQ provides high-end web analytics solution to over 360 enterprise clients including KDDI, Epson, Yamaha, and Japan Airlines.
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Contact: Eugene Xiao - AuriQ.com
1-800-474-7188 exiao[.]auriq.com