From a business perspective, these trends provide small and large pet businesses with marketing, product development, and business direction for the coming year; as well as inform consumers of the variety of products and services they will see grow in the pet industry.
One of the primary trends Pawsible Marketing sees this year is the continued growth of ‘green’ products in the pet industry. “With the past, present and increasing concerns of the safety of pet foods, treats, toys and other pet products on the market, we see a growing trend toward ‘green’ products and services,” indicated Leslie May, president and CEO of Pawsible Marketing. “Consumers are looking for safe alternatives for their pets. Because of this, we will see continued growth and availability of healthier, organic, ‘Made in the USA’ products and services from large and small pet product retailers, manufacturers, and service providers.”
Pawsible Marketing also sees a high growth trend in pets (dogs, cats, hamsters and more), as well as pet product/service companies proliferating the social networking scene. “Dogster got it started with dog social networking, but now you see all types of pets and pet lovers communicating, sharing and engaging with other pets and pet lovers on a wide variety of online social networking sites and through blogging,” says May.
“There are 1000’s of pets and pet bloggers writing about their lives and sharing a wealth of information on the Internet,” added May. “Sites such as Twitter have a growing population of animals and animal lovers tweeting away, and we see rapid growth of online networking through a wide variety of other pet and non-pet social networking sites, as well. Word-of-mouth marketing is becoming much more important in reaching and marketing to pet lovers. Consequently, you will see more and more pet product and service companies jump on the online social networking bandwagon in an effort to reach this growing Internet-based audience.”
These are just a few of the trends May sees in the pet industry this coming year. In the article, May also touches on the subjects of pet health and care, retailing, what’s hot in products and services in the pet industry, pet travel industry growth, and the affects of the current economy on the pet business industry. To read the entire article, visit the website.
About Pawsible Marketing
Pawsible Marketing (marketingmypetbusiness.com) is an arm of May Marketing Inc., and is designed to help the pet businesses vertical with marketing to increase sales and revenue. Pawsible Marketing helps a wide variety of B2B and B2C pet businesses nationwide - online, or brick and mortar. Since 2002, May Marketing, Inc., has helped CEOs and Presidents of small to mid sized companies with a wide variety of marketing projects including lead generation, online and offline marketing, blogging, brand development, marketing planning and strategy, websites, corporate and cause related marketing and communications, new product launches, social networking, SEO and more.