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Bayreuth, Germany, 2008/10/16 - Inventivio has released a new campaign tool dedicated to Senator Obama. Any supporter can now create podcasts endorsing the candidate (including original statements by the Senator) and email them to their friends and contacts - Speak-A-Message.com.
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A lasting achievement of the Obama campaign is its use of the internet to build a large grassroots base. It has continuously innovated, going beyond the traditional campaign website to pioneer timed announcements with mass emails and on October, 7th, has launched an application for Apple's iPhone which helps activists organize and stay in contact with the campaign.
Now another application has been released which literally gives a voice to each individual voter: The PC-based tool records personal voice messages and can email them to friends and contacts. Prerecorded sound bytes can be mixed in at any time. Inventivio has dedicated a special edition of their Speak-A-Message™ software to Senator Obama. It contains the most memorable sound bytes from his campaign such as "Yes we can!", "We will bring change to Washington" etc.
It has become a habit that prominent Americans endorse a candidate - often to great fanfare. The Speak-A-Message™ Barack Obama Edition provides the same capability to ordinary citizens. They can now communicate their endorsement to their circle of friends and contacts. The podcast format is more appropriate and entertaining than textual endorsement emails would be. Voice statements are much richer, personal and convincing. Factor in prerecorded sound bytes from the candidate mixed into such an endorsement and a potent tool for campaigning emerges.
"Ultimately, the Obama campaign is a study in extending democracy," argues Alex Hars, Managing Director of Inventivio: "Their net-centric fund-raising successes have have made ordinary citizens a group to be reckoned with and reduced the influence of special interests. Speak-A-Message takes this one step further: It gives the ordinary citizen a voice."
The Barack Obama Special Edition of Speak-A-Message™ is available for free for non-commercial use and for use by the Obama campaign.
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Contact: Alexander Hars - Inventivio.com
+49 921 9900 9396 pr2[.]inventivio.com