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Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India, 2008/09/01 - MartJack, for the dynamic online presence of apparel retailers. MartJack will create local area wise apparel web stores for retailers’ physical franchise stores and brings the online apparel customers close to the apparel retailers.
Market trends often tend to change responding to the situations. Market trends are sensitive to the media. Print and electronic media have strongly influenced the market so far. Now, it is the turn of information technology to leverage its power to lead the market. The technology which has been interweaving with each and every human being in every walk of life is apparently dividing the world from offline to online. This bifurcation, caused by the technology, at once opened gates for seamless business opportunities in the market. Customers mostly depending upon technology when they want to search for products they want. The product search has become simple with the help of technology.
The unprecedented changes that took place in the Indian apparel market in the recent years have made the market so attractive. Customer tendency is also getting changed in the sense of accepting new trends. As a result, branded apparels are being spanned to the second grade towns even. Sales are depended upon the following of the brand image and customer motivation. MartJack, in this sequence, throws light on the untapped potential of the online apparel market.
Current apparel market scenario
Apparel retailers are moving strategically to grab the potential of the huge market share. They are expanding their presence to far and wide in the market by establishing apparel retail franchise stores.
Generally people collect information before they set out for purchasing things. This impact will be more when it comes to apparels. Information itself is the key factor that can influence the purchase decisions. People used to gather product information from friends, colleagues, newspapers, and TV channels etc. But, now, people tend to collect the needful product information on apparels from internet. Internet today has become the major source of instant information.
The online searches for apparels
People started searching on Google for the needful information on apparels. The monthly average searches are going like this. With the keyword “clothing” 246000 online searches happened. With “cloths” 165000, with “suits” 90500, and with “women fashion wear” 90500 online searches happened in the year 2007. These statistics are constantly increasing every year. These online searches can substantiate the growing power of online apparel market in India. Would the reputed apparel brands like Pantaloon, Lifestyle, Coutons, Raymond’s, Allen solly, Oxemberg, Peter England and many others be able to capitalize the potential of this online apparel market?
What apparel retailers are missing?
With the above online searches, it is crystal clear that the potential of Indian online apparel market needs to be re-directed to the physical market or to be directly tapped online. If the apparel retailers are not able to expose themselves to the online customers, they would be simply missing the massive potential of rapidly growing online community.
MartJack can divert the online traffic to your webstore
Reasoning Global eApplications ltd has gone through the current apparel market conditions thoroughly. To divert this huge online traffic to the physical stores, eReasoning has pioneered a high-end e-enabler platform, MartJack, for the dynamic online presence of apparel retailers. MartJack will create local area wise apparel web stores for retailers’ physical franchise stores and brings the online apparel customers close to the apparel retailers. Such strategic online expansion of retailers will make their reach effectively into the online apparel market and ultimately can divert the online traffic to physical apparel franchise retail stores.
From web to physical store
By online search, online apparel customers enter MartJack built apparel retail franchise web stores. At webstore they collect, POS generated real time product information with the help of striking images of all kinds of garments. Likewise, the online apparel customer will be informed thoroughly about the desired garments. Thus well informed online customer can easily reach purchase decision. They choose the nearest franchise retail store with the help of store locator. The digital store map successfully drives them from web to store.
This is the most appropriate way to drive the rapidly increasing online traffic to the physical stores. Aiming at unfolding the immense potential of online market, Reasoning Global eApplications ltd has devised this ready to use dynamic e-enabler platform, MartJack. Likewise MartJack helps you in building online brand image too.
Contact: Reasoning Global eApplications Ltd
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Hyderabad- 500004, Andhra Pradesh, India
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