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Donald Trump Jr., Steve Forbes & Adi Godrej to Speak at 'Leaders in India Business Forum 2008' - The first Indian chapter of the world’s largest and most respected series of leaderships events will take place in Mumbai, from 4th-6th December. Other speakers at the forum include Shashi Tharoor, Ian Thomas (President, Boeing India) and Kiran Bedi
Donald Trump Jr., Steve Forbes & Adi Godrej to Speak at 'Leaders in India Business Forum 2008'


NewswireTODAY - /newswire/ - Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, 2008/07/23 - The first Indian chapter of the world’s largest and most respected series of leaderships events will take place in Mumbai, from 4th-6th December. Other speakers at the forum include Shashi Tharoor, Ian Thomas (President, Boeing India) and Kiran Bedi.

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Informa, the owners of information super-brands including Lloyd's List, Taylor & Francis and Datamonitor, are delighted to confirm that Donald Trump Jr., Steve Forbes, Adi Godrej and a host of other respected leaders will be speaking at Leaders in India Business Forum 2008, in Mumbai. Key event partners and sponsors include Time Magazine, Radio City 91.1FM, 9X News and the Trump Organisation. Leaders business fora command audiences of 1000s of top corporate executives every year, with past speakers most recently including Kofi Annan, CK Prahalad, Philip Kotler, Stephen Covey and Richard Branson.

According to Peter Rigby, CEO of Informa plc. 'Leaders in India is a fantastic opportunity for participants to meet and mingle with their professional counterparts from both India and abroad. Similar fora in Dubai and London have become 'must attend' events over the past few years - attendees have found them extremely worthwhile, interesting and stimulating, and we anticipate that Leaders in India will be exactly the same'.

Leaders in India is a three day forum dedicated entirely to the business community, and is expected to be India's largest single meeting point of global and Indian corporate leaders. In addition to providing an excellent opportunity for peer-to-peer networking, the 'Leaders' team prides itself on providing the most thoroughly researched and solution-focused points of discussion in its series of interactive audience Q&As with key business leaders.

‘Inspiration is the underlying essence of Leaders in India. And that comes from the precedent and words of some of the greatest business leaders of our generation’ says Abhaey Singh, Managing Director of Informa India. 'It is difficult, otherwise, to stimulate the minds and passions of so many highly intelligent, motivated and time-poor corporate executives’, adds Singh, referring to the audience of CXOs that typically attend ‘Leaders’ Business Forums.

‘This, coupled with an undiluted focus on useful and meaningful information for business leaders, as well as arguably the best opportunity for peer-to-peer networking between the senior leadership of many of India and the world’s top firms, makes the event a must-attend.’
On why Informa has decided to bring ‘Leaders’ to India, Singh adds that ‘Indians are ideas people – we love inspiration, and Leaders in India will be three days packed with the proverbial tingles down your spine.’

‘But more than just that, our country is gradually positioning itself at the fore of the 21st century knowledge economy. From our legendary IITs & IIMs, to our booming media and information industry; and from complex analyses performed for global firms in our KPO centres, to continual advances in indigenous rocket science – India’s inherent knowledge resources are now being more comprehensively harnessed by and interconnected with Indian and global business. So we think it’s an excellent time to leverage the hugely respected Leaders brand into this very exciting country.’

Featuring many of the biggest names in Indian and global business, the event will also host the most coveted new awards for the country’s business leadership, as well as a unique, televised evening debate conducted in the English Speaking Union’s parliamentary style of debating.

To learn more about Leaders in India, visit ‘Leaders’ business fora are always over-subscribed, so ensure that you register your corporate delegation early by booking via the online registration system.

About Informa
Informa plc, the world’s largest professional media company, provides specialist information to the global academic & scientific, professional and commercial communities through mediums that include publishing, events, distance learning and performance improvement.

With hundreds of highly respected companies including some of the world’s biggest information brands - Lloyd’s List, Routledge, Taylor & Francis, Datamonitor, IIR, IBC, Euroforum, Huthwaite, Washington Policy & Analysis, Monaco Yacht Show and many others - Informa is present in over 70 countries and publishes over 45,000 book titles and publications; delivers over 2,000 subscription-based services and produces over 12,000 events every year.

Informa’s exhibitions include global B2B and B2C mega-shows such as 3GSM, Cityscape, IPEX and The Bride Show, and its high-level summits include the world’s largest series of business leadership events. Informa India is dedicated to providing the most meaningful and relevant platforms and media for information exchange and strategic business development for the Indian and international professional communities that it serves.

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Donald Trump Jr., Steve Forbes & Adi Godrej to Speak at 'Leaders in India Business Forum 2008'

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