This Earth Day, the all new version of Energy Hotwire's web site has been launched focusing our nation on step by step goals to help lower energy bills up to 60% without sacrifice! “We have the technology, we can be energy independent,” Lauto has stated for over ten years. Mr. Lauto, was the energy advisor to Earth Day’s 20th anniversary Committee in New York City and has been providing his expertise since 1982 when the first SL-18 energy saving bulb was made in Lynn, Massachusetts! His team didn’t just join the “Going Green” movement, they have been consulting with corporations, politicians, organizations, celebrities, utility companies, and homeowners for over twenty years.
Energy Hotwire's web site goes beyond tidbits of energy saving tips by teaching everyone topic by topic, basement to attic, hundreds of energy saving facts and trade secrets, most of which are never disclosed by utility or fuel supplier companies. Energy Hotwire's website doesn’t teach Americans to lower their energy consumption by conserving. Instead, the site provides information on changing, fine-tuning, and updating equipment. “America’s energy consuming products and applications are in dire need of updating,” states Lauto.
Along with learning how to lower energy bills on topics such as: Appliances, Cooking, Cooling, Heating, Insulation, Lighting, Shrubs, Solar, Water, Windows, and Doors, viewers can email Energy Hotwire's website with specific energy related questions. To receive this valuable assistance please visit Energy Hotwire's website.
This site will be an invaluable tool for anyone paying the electric, gas, oil, water bills, and those who are environmentally conscious. This site will not only help save energy and money, but our planet’s future for our children.