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Monrovia, CA, United States, 2008/04/16 - 2nd Rediscovering Biomarkers Conference on July 10-11, 2008 in Boston, MA.
Approaches to identifying molecular biomarkers and discovering mechanisms of action in biomedical research are evolving today, as the growing symbiosis with computational sciences becomes more widely appreciated. In fact, the combination of various new technologies has been pushing forward both frontiers. Here, Dr. He presents examples of the combined use of in vivo siRNA knock-down technology, genome-wide gene expression profiling, and computational reasoning to unveil regulatory causal relationships and the sufficiency network of identified genes for compound-induced effects. Unlike previously reported approaches, Rosetta Inpharmatics’ method requires only limited targeted perturbations for genome-wide de novo pathway discovery. Hence, their method can be directly applied to animal models in which it is still technically challenging to perform genome-wide genetic perturbation or RNAi screening.
The independent application of their derived model to compounds with unrelated mechanisms of action suggests the existence of a universal molecular module that mediates a specific phenotype. When combined with phenotypic evaluation, their approach should help to unleash the full potential of siRNAs in systematically unveiling the molecular mechanisms of biological events.
The 2nd Annual Rediscovering Biomarkers Conference will exposes attendees to the latest advancements and developments in biomarkers and predictive medicine. Attendees will gain insight into discovery and development processes, hear about new biomarkers and upcoming trends in the industry, as well as the status of those in clinical trials. Delegates will also receive highly valuable information on tools for improving reimbursement strategies and the efficacy and validation of biomarkers.
About GTCbio
GTCbio organizes conferences specifically for the biomedical and biopharmaceutical industries. Our goal is to facilitate the exchange of biopharmaceutical and biomedical intelligence between industry leaders, academic and government organizations, and the financial community.
GTCbio is a subsidiary of Global Technology Community, LLC, a privately held company founded in 2002.