The performance increase is thanks to re-engineered physics, graphics and sound engines using independent threads running at different frame rates. This gives the E76 developer freedom over how to spend valuable CPU cycles. The e76physics engine can easily run at 100 FPS, while the e76graphics engine may refresh the 2D/3D display at 30FPS and the e76sound engine updates 3D sound positions at 20FPS.
The E76 examples bundled in the distribution are updated to conform to the latest interfaces and give E76 developers an excellent learning platform. The E76 World Editor and Example Viewer highlight many features, including the physics, graphics and sound engines. Also bundled in the software development kit is the E76 Redistributable - a setup program available for 3rd party distribution.
Capricorn 76 (capricorn76.com) has responded to customer enquiries regarding an online forum, and recently created the E76 Support Forum. It contains news, questions, answers and articles about the E76 Engine, and offers a community-based approach to enhance E76 developer skills and software. To read and post articles, visit Capricorn 76 and follow the links.
E76 is a software development engine for 2D/3D simulations, games, interactive presentations and console applications. Build ANY program you like using Lua-based script, avoid traditional compilers, and save thousands of hours! E76 is distributed as a Microsoft Windows binary executable.
For more information about the E76 Engine, and to access the latest news, articles and downloads, please visit Capricorn 76.