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Athens, Greece, 2008/02/25 - NC&YB, Ltd has launched world’s first web 2.0 platform an online interactive yachting society dedicated only to yachting friends and professionals. The network is currently in a beta phase - Zooors.com.
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The Yachting business is the most sought after way to cross promote or reach any audience. Every business that is valued by consumers uses some form of this medium. The people and companies that thrive in these industries are continuously looking for ways to improve, recruit, connect, cross promote, learn, support and do it in a way that is not open to dilution and exposure of their coveted ideas. Zooors supports this way of business through our websites zooors.com world’s first yachting dedicated network.
Many people are finding the existing communities to be too general and are looking for an online community that is more specific to their interests. Like other social networking websites, Zooors.com makes it easy for other companies with great content to promote themselves.
Zooors.com is embracing web 2.0 and it's knack for bringing information together to serve its community. The company operates on a non-biased approach and hopes to partner with organizations, corporations, trade publications and associations that have relevance to the yachting industry.
Zooors.com recently partnered with leading software firm to enhance its web infrastructure and bring its community rich web 2.0 features. With this new partnership members will see a zooors of advanced technology and enhancements in the coming weeks.
Zooors (zooors.com) is designed to be extremely user friendly. The look and feel of the Zooors website is crisp and clean, highlighting the emphasis on quality and simplicity. Adhering to the KISS principle (keep it short and simple) Zooors does not clutter its website with advertising. Zooors and his team believe advertising compromises the integrity of the site; and detracts from its ease of use.
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Contact: Zooors.com
+30 2106617497