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Los Angeles, CA, United States, 2005/12/31 - Writersbeat.com will allow authors, students, lyricists, and others who write in various other styles to receive help, critiques, opinions, advice, and guidance from each other through the community.
Writersbeat.com recently launched its community for all creative writers to come and discuss their work with like-minded individuals. WritersBeat.com will allow authors, students, lyricists, and others who write in various other styles to receive help, critiques, opinions, advice, and guidance from each other through the community.
WritersBeat.com accepts all genres of writing and is a community comprised of people who are quirky, passionate, attentive, and knowledgeable. Writer’s Beat is geared toward the entire spectrum of writing experience: we have published authors as well as humble hobbyists littering the site.
WritersBeat.com focuses on the quality of criticism: we are all colleagues and consider each other with the utmost respect. There is no flaming, trolling, or victimizing on Writer’s Beat because it is a fully moderated forum.
WritersBeat.com cares about helping writers to improve their skills. Our experienced members and staff are committed to guiding our community collectively into a better set of experiences by giving tips on everything from grammar to style to how to get published!
Writer’s Beat, though in its initial launch phase, already houses a growing number of dedicated and active members. When our newcomers introduce themselves, they are greeted warmly within minutes. When they ask for help on their work, they are helped as soon as their query is seen – and often, this is very soon, since there is never a time when the forum is devoid of online members.
WritersBeat.com has the potential to grow into a powerful resource for writers on the Internet. Many plans are in motion to make our forum a great place to gain pure information, insight, and confidence through teamwork and shared passion.
WritersBeat.com is the community to join, whether you are an accomplished writer, a student, employee, CEO, library bum, or anyone of any disposition who enjoys different literary works and styles.