Wireless e-mail is one of the largest segments in the mobile enterprise application market and its installed base continues to grow as new customers deploy the solution and those with deployments expand their footprint. Transitioning from a 'nice to have' to 'must have' application, there is a growing market momentum among end users to formulate mobility strategies centred on wireless email.
New analysis from Frost & Sullivan (enterprisecommunications.frost.com), European Wireless E-Mail Markets, reveals that this market earned revenues of €1.86 billion in 2007 and estimates this to reach €6.65 billion in 2012.
If you are interested in a virtual brochure, which provides manufacturers, end users and other industry participants with an overview of the latest analysis of the European Wireless E-Mail Markets, then send an email to Joanna Lewandowska, Corporate Communications, at joanna.lewandowska[.]frost.com with your full name, company name, title, telephone number, fax number and email address. Upon receipt of the above information, an overview will be sent to you by email.
"The business case justifying the benefits of mobile connectivity is well understood and appreciated," notes Frost and Sullivan Industry Analyst, Shomik Banerjee. "Mobile connectivity not only improves flexibility, but also allows faster decision making and increases efficiency by utilising the otherwise wasted time e.g. by traveling. Overall, it improves the effectiveness of the user to the business."
Most European mobile operators have built a wireless e-mail portfolio encompassing third-party solutions such as BlackBerry, Good and Microsoft, as well as their own branded push e-mail services based on white-label products from vendors such as Visto, Seven and Nokia/Intellisync. RIM partners offer the BlackBerry Internet Service modality, which permits subscribers to connect their personal e-mail accounts (for example, on GMail or MSN) to a BlackBerry push e-mail service run by the operators. These offerings are aimed at consumers, small businesses, and "prosumers" – a crossover category between "professional" business users and consumers.
However, limited interoperability in a fragmented value-chain is affecting market development. Furthermore, there has been a growing case for standardization as the technology has matured and moved past the early adopter phase. The efforts made by several stakeholders (P-IMAP) in this regard have yet to yield positive results.
"The lack of initiative from the mobile industry to implement P-IMAP (push extension to IMAP – one of the largely successful e-mail technologies) developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is surprising," says Banerjee. "Smaller vendors such as CriticalPath, Funambol and Synchronica have support standards such as the Synchronisation Markup Language (SyncML) and Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) Push."
Individual market participants have adopted various means to overcome these challenges. RIM, for instance, offers an end-to-end service. Microsoft, on the other hand, is aiming to make it protocol (ActiveSync) the most widely used. Others offer abstraction through the use of middleware over a client-server model.
European Wireless E-Mail Markets is part of the Enterprise Communication Growth Partnership Services, which also includes research in the following markets: Mobile & Wireless Communications, Europe, ICT Market Engineering, Wireless and Mobile Communications Market Engineering, European Enterprise Communications and Communications Services. All research services included in subscriptions provide detailed market opportunities and industry trends that have been evaluated following extensive interviews with market participants. Interviews with the press are available.
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