On November 7th, 2007, FundingPost is hosting a panel discussion with leading Early-stage Investors at it’s “Early-Stage Venture Breakfast in Dallas” event, sponsored by Convergence Homes. FundingPost has created a unique niche because while most Investor events deal with Venture Capitalists and later-stage investors, this event allows early-stage companies a chance to meet local Early-stage Venture Capitalists.
For more information about this event, the FundingPost Event Calendar and registration information are available online.
FundingPost, having hosting a highly successful series of events for the last six years, is continuing this proven formula again this year. The panelists for this event include:
• Mike Decker, Principal, Wingate Partners
• John Adler, General Partner, Silver Creek Ventures
• Ned Hill, Director, Sternhill Partners
Following the breakfast presentation, companies will have the opportunity to “pitch” to the entire panel of investors. “It’s a fantastic opportunity for an early-stage company to spend 20 minutes pitching a panel of Investors,” said Joe Rubin, Director, FundingPost. “Early-stage VCs are always on the lookout for great ideas, and FundingPost is proud to provide a forum for these investors to locate promising new ventures. Several of the companies who pitched at our previous events have raised capital. We hear of more success stories all the time…”
For more information on the Investor conference and other FundingPost events, contact events[.]fundingpost.com, call 800-461-5509 or visit the website.
About FundingPost.com
FundingPost is an entrepreneur and investor network reaching more than 200,000 executives and 6,000 Venture Capital and Angel Investors across the nation each month.
For over six years FundingPost has worked with thousands of Angel and Venture Capital Investors and Entrepreneurs. FundingPost has hosted over 5,000 CEOs and 600 Venture Funds at events in 15 cities nationwide, as well as providing a quarterly Dealflow magazine and a deal-exchange Website that has, on average, seen an introduction of an Investor to an Entrepreneur every business day since its inception. FundingPost’s mission is to reach investors and entrepreneurs in every medium possible – both online and offline, and it is experiencing strong growth as the venture capital markets continue to improve worldwide.