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Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, 2007/09/13 - Learning Paths International, specialists in designing fast-track learning processes to get employees up-to-speed quickly, announces 2 new service partners in Canada & UK market - LearningPathsInternational.com.
Steve Rosenbaum, President of Learning Paths International announced today the opening of 2 new strategic partnerships in Canada and in the UK to provide clients there with the advantage of a local consulting team. Arupa Tesolin, of Intuita, heads the Canadian Office operating out of Toronto with UK partner Richard Kenney of The Sales Architects, operating from Edinburgh, Scotland. The Learning Paths International team has completed both national and international projects to date involving more than 400 functions for 20,000 employees in 7 countries including US, Canada, UK, Hungary, Poland, Phillipines and India. The LP consulting team is comprised of experienced senior trainers who have training backgrounds from some of North America's top companies, including G.E., Ceridian, Disney, Saint Gobain, the Ontario Government & United Health.
The Learning Paths™ approach is winning accolades from companies who are reducing the time to get employees up-to-speed by 30% or more. Financial benefits of reduced start-up time are significant and link directly to increased productivity, reduced errors, lower turnover and higher morale, all important at a time when companies are struggling with issues in retaining talent, skilled staff and high turnover. The LP approach integrates change management, process improvement & accelerated learning into a revolutionary fast-track training process, often reducing years of learning into months, and months to weeks. Learning Paths is the brainchild of founder Steve Rosenbaum who co-authored the text book "Learning Paths", co-published by Pfeiffer (a Wiley imprint) and The American Society of Training & Development (ASTD) in 2004.
A Learning Paths™ Certification Program will be available in early 2008 to train internal consultants on how to implement Learning Path methodologies in their organization with options for Project team consulting support from the Learning Paths International team.
Examples of Learning PathsTM successes include:
• Reduced time to achieve proficiency for call centre service representatives from 9 months to 12 weeks;
• Reducing field sales force start up time from 18 to 11 months;
• Co-developed a 7-week Rail Conductor training program with partners from Minnesota State College, State Government, Union Pacific & Canadian Pacific Rail;
• Reduced Residential Care Staff training from 9 months to 55 days and reduced staff turnover from 50% to nearly 0
Learning Paths™ (learningpathsinternational.com) create high value for a variety of training applications including Post-Merger and Acquisition Integration Projects, Out-sourcing and In-sourcing Strategies, new Product & Technology Roll-outs, reducing wait times in health care settings, Worker Training & Re-Training Programs & Food Service and Retail Staff Training. Learning Paths™ is a trade-mark owned by Steve Rosenbaum Learning Paths International.