The national focus on cardiovascular health is all pervasive. Almost every supermarket and specialty food store has products promoting their benefits for the heart. Everything from cereals high in fiber to orange juice fortified with vitamins claim to reduce the risk of heart disease. Once considered bad due to their high fat content, meats, eggs, and cheese are currently marketed as part of a heart health diet in the context of a high protein low carbohydrate diet. Additionally, products such as aspirin are marketed to be beneficial to patients at risk for heart disease.
If you are interested in a virtual brochure, which provides manufacturers, end users, and other industry participants an overview of the latest analysis of the U.S. Cardiac Surgery Devices Market, then send an email to Melina Trevino - Corporate Communications at melina.trevino[.]frost.com with the following information: your full name, company name, title, telephone number, email address, city, state, and country. We will send you the information via email upon receipt of the above information.
New analysis from Frost & Sullivan (medicaldevices.frost.com), U.S. Cardiac Surgery Devices Market finds that the number of CABG procedures performed in the United States was 330,669 in 2006 and estimates that to steadily decline, reaching to 223,036 procedures in 2013.
Despite the warnings and growing awareness, obesity rates among adults and children are soaring. Statistics indicate the childhood obesity rate is around 16 percent, nearly double the rate it was in 1980. Nearly one in four deaths in the United States is due to cardiovascular disease, with nearly 1.2 million cases of heart attacks reported each year. There are six million people living with angina, which is chest pains due to narrowing blood vessels, and on average will require three to four repeat procedures throughout the rest of their lives. Current trends would indicate that future patients are likely to develop vascular diseases at a much younger age than previously witnessed.
Though alarming from a national health perspective, all of these statistics represent significant increases in the number of interventional vascular procedures performed and a strong future for the cardiovascular segment.
Thus, the cardiovascular sector of the medical device industry is the largest and most robust of any field in medical devices.
Advances in percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), such as rapid exchange catheters, intravascular imaging, and the introduction of drug eluting stents, affects the usage rates of coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Furthermore, CABG is traditionally one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures in the United States. Although there are some concerns about the safety of drug eluting stents, healthcare facilities appear to favor minimally invasive alternatives over bypass grafting. With the entry of more sophisticated second and third generation drug eluting stents capable of addressing existing issues related to thrombosis and restenosis, the utilization of CABG procedures is likely to further decline.
“The cardiovascular sector of the medical device industry boasts of the highest research spending, sales, and reimbursement rates, “ says Frost & Sullivan Industry Analyst Venkat Rajan. “However, the dynamics of this sector are changing as newer technologies and devices gain precedence over older medical approaches.” Several major device manufacturers have shifted much of their research spending to PCI products over CABG-related ones, and even established leaders in cardiac surgery products are heavily promoting their new drug eluting stents. This has caused a corresponding shift in venture capital spending, with the focus increasingly moving toward PCI products due to their higher price points and greater market potential.
The two most critical concerns associated with any kind of procedure performed on the heart are accuracy and time. Outside of CABG procedures, there are a number of high growth sectors in the U.S. cardiac surgery market, such as surgical cardiac ablation. These newer advanced procedures require the highest level of precision and accuracy in order to witness even moderate levels of clinical efficiency. Recent advances in robotic-guided technology have the potential to drastically improve the success rates of cardiac ablation procedures and several robotic assist manufacturers are already eyeing the cardiac surgery market as a key area of focus.
With robotics, it is possible to directly translate the information from a 3-D mapping of the heart to a robot that could determine the exact location of the arrhythmia and the size of lesions required to treat it. This considerably improves both the time and accuracy of cardiac ablation procedures.
U.S. Cardiac Surgery Devices Market is part of the Medical Devices Subscription, which also includes research in the following markets: U.S. Carotid and Intracranial Devices, U.S. Cardiac Rhythm Management Market, and U.S. Congestive Heart Failure Devices market. All research services included in subscriptions provide detailed market opportunities and industry trends evaluated following extensive interviews with market participants. Interviews with the press are available.
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Frost & Sullivan, a global growth consulting company, has been partnering with clients to support the development of innovative strategies for more than 40 years. The company's industry expertise integrates growth consulting, growth partnership services, and corporate management training to identify and develop opportunities. Frost & Sullivan serves an extensive clientele that includes Global 1000 companies, emerging companies, and the investment community by providing comprehensive industry coverage that reflects a unique global perspective, and combines ongoing analysis of markets, technologies, econometrics, and demographics.