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Spalding, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom, 2007/06/12 - Enagri Limited welcomes National Farmer’s Union President Peter Kendall’s call for a realistic assessment of biofuels and their context in ‘agriculture’s wider renewable contribution’.
In a speech entitled ‘Food versus Fuel – myths and misconceptions’ delivered today at Cereals 2007 in Cambridgeshire, Mr Kendall will call on his audience to engage in a real debate driven by science rather than sensationalism.
Speaking before the event he pointed out that environmental groups and farmers around the world see sustainable biofuels as an important element in combating both climate change and low agricultural incomes. “What I cannot tolerate is the hypocrisy of food manufacturers who are now bleating about food inflation when, for a long time, they have calmly watched farmers’ margins being squeezed while always hanging onto, or improving, their own,” he said.
Enagri’s Managing Director Richard Crowhurst welcomed the latest discourse in the food versus fuel debate. “All the issues surrounding bio-energy and carbon are extremely complicated something which is ignored by many sources who are only interested in grabbing the headlines. Almost every point-of-view is driven by some commercial interest which makes finding an independent source of information vital.”
He added that Enagri’s Knowledge Base, which is available online, contains links to thousands of reports across a range of renewable topics, particularly bioenergy, biofuels and energy agriculture. These come from all sides of the debate and include information from governments, NGOs, academic studies and commercial reports.
“Energy generation is changing,” added Richard. “With its resources and practical advantages, worldwide agriculture has a unique opportunity to become as much about energy generation as it is about food production, and the biofuel debate sometimes looses sight of this. Informing that debate and the energy agriculture industry is the raison d’été of Enagri and we welcome anything that helps the development of this industry.
Notes for Editors:
1. Enagri is a web-based information provider focusing on bio-energy and energy agriculture.
2. Enagri’s subscriber services include:
• Weekly e-mail newsletters
• Weekly market information report
• Monthly Enagri magazine
• Regularly updated, searchable database of news, events and web links
• 24/7 access to a full archive of news and market data
• 24/7 access to the Enagri Knowledge Base with searchable links to thousands of scientific reports, news articles and other data on renewable energy and energy crops
• Negotiated discounts and special offers
3. The National Farmer’s Union champions British Farming and represents the interests of over 60,000 member farmers and growers.
4. Cereals is the leading technical event for the British arable industry and attracts around 21,000 professional farmer visitors from across the UK.