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Savannah, GA, United States, 2007/06/06 - Business Etiquette expert, professional speaker, acclaimed author and personal consultant Lydia Ramsey releases her newest book "Lydia Ramsey's Little Book of Table Manners".
Have you ever wished that you had paid closer attention to your mother when she told you how to eat your soup and butter your bread? Well, Lydia Ramsey is not your mother, but she has compiled a list of 85 tips about dining for success. It's all your mother ever told you and more in an easy-to-read format.
Table manners play an important part in making a favorable impression. The next time you are stuck wondering which fork to use, how to eat your pasta or what to do with that olive pit in your mouth, pick up Lydia Ramsey's Little Book of Table Manners for the answer. Whether you are trying to impress your boss, win over a potential client or your new in-laws, this handy little guide to table manners is a must.
"Many people have forgotten their meal manners in this crazy, fast food world but there is no reason to be frightened when maneuvering through a more formal meal. The 'Little Book of Table Manners' will give you the basics of dining etiquette so that you can relax and enjoy the meal" says Lydia Ramsey.
This little book is suitable for corporations, professional associations, government agencies, colleges, students and individuals who want to stand out from the crowd for all the right reasons.
Lydia Ramsey helps people promote themselves and grow their business by showing them how to keep their feet out of their mouths and egg off of their faces. A business etiquette expert, author, speaker and premier trainer, she has reached thousands of people in a variety of audiences with her presentations, from large corporations to small businesses, from major universities to community service organizations. Lydia is the author of the widely acclaimed book, 'Manners That Sell – Adding The Polish That Builds Profits', the just released 'Lydia Ramsey’s Little Book of Table Manners' and a contributing author to 'Real World Career Development Strategies That Work'.
To interview Lydia for your radio broadcast, television show or written publication, call 912-598-9812 or email Lydia[.]mannersthatsell.com.
See also: 'Successful Internet Entrepreneur to Selling Techniques' available on SalesBooks.com