A close technology partnership has existed for years around the FORXAI Video Security Solution (VSS), a comprehensive end-to-end video security solution that helps companies analyze processes, situations and behavior.
The Konica Minolta team structure (konicaminolta.com) is now being expanded and reorganized for a deeper sales and logistics partnership. Joint logistics centers will ensure nationwide availability of MOBOTIX high-end video technology solutions in North, Central and South America. MOBOTIX has expanded its sales team in the U.S. over the past six months to be present in all regions with business development and technical functions. Both companies strengthened their commitment to the American market, which is expected to grow over the next four years.
According to NOVAIRA INSIGHTS, the global VSS market will reach USD 32.37 billion by 2025. A CAGR of 15% is expected for intelligent edge analytics combined with cloud services, both core competencies of Konica Minolta and MOBOTIX. Enterprises need intelligent security solutions to protect their assets, employees, and operations, and customers want to leverage IoT capabilities built into cameras to protect themselves from potential threats.
Konica Minolta's core competencies of Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning, combined with MOBOTIX's high-end camera technology, can cover many existing and future applications. Business activities will focus on key vertical markets, particularly in industry, energy, logistics and transportation, healthcare, government, education and retail. Video technology will help optimize workflows, processes, and productivity in these sectors and improve day-to-day requirements.
"To understand the importance of this partnership, one must move away from the concept of traditional video surveillance. In recent years, the needs of end-users have changed significantly. The new demand for video surveillance goes far beyond the concept of security. An intelligent solution offers end users a tangible return on investment. We focus on meeting our customers' individual video analytics needs, especially with Konica Minolta: Beyond the pure video image, data and information can be quickly managed and analyzed," says MOBOTIX CEO Thomas Lausten. "This creates tangible added value for our customers, think for example of customer behavior analysis in retail or process monitoring in industry."
"By partnering with MOBOTIX in the U.S., Konica Minolta can bring its A.I. video capabilities together with a world-class partner that will enable us to take video security to the next level and protect our customers across all verticals," emphasizes Vijay Raghavan, senior vice-president, Konica Minolta, United States.
MOBOTIX (mobotix.com) is a leading manufacturer of premium-quality intelligent IP video systems, setting standards for innovative camera technologies and decentralized security solutions with the highest level of cybersecurity and GDPR compliant. MOBOTIX was founded in 1999 and is based in Langmeil, Germany. The company conducts its own research and development, and manufactures its own products with the guarantee of excellence attached to "Made in Germany." Other sales offices are located in New York, Dubai, Sydney, Paris and Madrid. Customers worldwide trust in the durability and reliability of MOBOTIX hardware and software. The flexibility, built-in intelligence and unparalleled data security of the company's solutions are valued in many industries. MOBOTIX products and solutions help customers in industries such as industrial manufacturing, retail, logistics, and healthcare. With strong international technology partnerships, the company is expanding its universal platform and new applications in a wide variety of areas through the use of artificial intelligence and deep learning modules.