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Longwood, FL, United States, 2007/04/29 - Public speaking is the number one fear of the majority of people. Overcome this fear with this 75 page book - SpeakingLab.com.
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According to The Book of Lists, the fear of public speaking ranks number one in the minds of the majority of people. Far above the fear of death and disease, comes the fear of standing in front of a crowd. Joel Weiner noted author and public speaker wants to help people overcome that fear.
“The biggest fear is public speaking, with 15 percent of American experiencing a dramatic fear of it,” said Dr. Michael Telch of the Laboratory for the Study of Anxiety Disorders (LSAD) in the Department of Psychology at The University of Texas at Austin. “People have had to turn down jobs, and certainly students have dropped classes because of it.”
Regardless of your occupation, your success depends a great deal upon your ability to communicate effectively! Whether you’re running a meeting, selling a product, making a presentation, motivating co-workers or just communicating one-on-one with others, you’ll get far better results if you can speak persuasively, smoothly and intelligently.
“How to be a Public Speaking Superstar” a 75 page book, is now offered free by Joel in an effort to help people overcome this fear. This book will help you overcome your fear of public speaking and manage speech anxiety effectively.
This book is a condensed write-up of powerful principles and easy-to-follow steps to writing and delivering spectacular speeches.
It will give you the crucial answers to such questions as "How can I really conquer speech fright? How do effective speakers really captivate their audience? How can I influence people by mere words?"
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Contact: Joel Weiner - SpeakingLab.com
407-928-393 Joel[.]SpeakingLab.com