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Circle Pines, MN, United States, 2019/02/22 - Specialized microchip equipment no longer required - BestPetIDTags.com.
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Information about how our "quick response" (QR) pet identification system compares to the conventional method of an owner depending solely on a microchip. Showcasing the most common issue with microchip use when finding a lost or injured pet compared.
Now anyone with a smartphone can rescue a lost pet the instant they cross paths with one, via Pet ID Global’s “Quick Response Code ID”, also known as a QR ID. Times have changed. Using this identification technology is simple and effective. It’s literally the best identification option pet parents have had in over a decade.
Unlike depending on a conventional microchip’s information to ensure a pet’s return (information which can’t be accessed by the average person), a Pet ID Global QR ID can be scanned by any internet enabled device. Using a smartphone for example, a person who finds a lost pet only needs to take a photo of the QR ID code to automatically access the owner’s emergency contact information and more. The issues associated with only having a microchip to assist in returning a pet have now been solved. Gone are the days of needing to locate and use a special microchip scanner prior to getting a pet home.
There are many additional features available to the owner, however the most favored feature is being able to modify a pets QR ID information to meet any situation or change of location in real time, 24/7.
About Pet ID Global
Headquartered in Circle Pines, MN, Pet ID Global's QR ID's (bestpetidtags.com) are specifically designed to give everyone on the planet the ability to immediately aid an animal during their time of need. Pet ID Global reunites you with your lost pet fast. Vets and travelers love them too! Smart Stickers QR code-enabled emergency stickers for your pets.
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Contact: Ashley Voigt - BestPetIDTags.com
651-413-9057 avoigt[.]bestpetidtags.com