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Houston, TX, United States, 2017/04/05 - Following extensive audits, LRQA has been granted accreditation to both AS 9100:2016 and AS 9120:2016, the quality management system (QMS) standards for organisations in the aerospace industry - LRQAUSA.com.
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Global accreditation was awarded by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS). In addition, national accreditation was also awarded to LRQA by COFRAC in France, ENAC in Spain, and ANAB in the USA.
The AS 91XX:2016 series is based on international quality management system standard ISO 9001:2015 and features a number of additions and interpretations that are specific to the aviation, space and defense industries. The latest revisions place an emphasis on areas deemed to have the greatest impact on safety, reliability and regulatory compliance in relation to aerospace products.
Organizations operating in the aerospace industry are facing tight timescales to transition to the new standard. The deadline intentionally mirrors that of ISO 9001:2015; therefore transition to both standards must be completed by September 15, 2018.
Gary Proctor, Aerospace Technical Manager commented: “The revision to the AS 91XX series will lead to increased market confidence. This will be a direct result of essential revisions which shift the emphasis to greater senior management responsibility and closer links between the management system and the product or service quality. This achievement will allow LRQA to provide a number of aerospace-specific accredited certification and training services to our many clients that we serve worldwide.”
With some of the world’s leading standards being revised, LRQA (lrqausa.com) is at the forefront of communicating the changes. We offer a range of assessment and training services, all aimed at helping to ensure that organizations worldwide have a smooth transition to the new standards.
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