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Miami, FL, United States, 2016/09/28 - Companies announce Joint Venture to combine their Organizational Culture, Global Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion solutions - CultureProConsulting.com / Inloso.com.
CulturePro Consulting Ltd, and Inloso, LLC, announce a joint venture that will combine their solutions to help companies address their challenges in the areas of organizational culture, global leadership development, and employee engagement. This joint venture will allow the parent companies to offer CulturePro “Intercultural DISC™”, an individual and team cross-cultural solution, and INLOSO’s “Organizational DISC” “ODISC™” together for the first time.
This new joint venture is uniquely positioned to optimize the development and deployment of comprehensive cross-cultural solutions needed by 21st century organizations dealing with multicultural employee, customer, and business partners. Inloso’s organizational culture and organizational design framework combined with CulturePro individual and team solution will allow organizations to enable a total system approach, resulting in a more inclusive organizational culture and company performance and profitability.
About CulturePro Consulting
CulturePro Consulting (cultureproconsulting.com) a Brighton, UK based company well-known for its mission to measure and leverage personal and cultural differences, will address the needs of individuals and teams with the Intercultural DISC™, which is an internationally accredited framework to help clients understand and connect with people who have different behavior and communication styles due to their cultural background such as their generation, gender, profession, nationality and personality type.
About Inloso, LLC
Inloso (inloso.com) based in Miami, FL; is one of the worldwide leading research and development companies in the areas of the cross-cultural integration of immigrants and expatriates into the business environment of their host countries. This research has allowed the company to measure and address the impact of the cultural background of employees on their expectations about leadership roles, organizational culture, and management practices. Its solutions have allowed companies to increase employee engagement, increase global leadership efficiency, increased customer satisfaction, and helped successfully turn around multinational business operations.
Contact: Csaba Toth, MA, Msc, FCMI - CulturePro Consulting.