NewswireTODAY - /newswire/ -
San Diego, CA, United States, 2016/08/17 - Profiling of your online posts by corporations is an increasingly dangerous development. Social media sites such as Facebook read every post, build a profile on you and sell your life story for profit. Is there any way to safely communicate online?.
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At an increasingly alarming rate, web companies like Facebook and Twitter profile your every action on the web. Consumers unknowingly have their life story tracked, categorized and sold for profit. Anyone, including prospective employers, can purchase intricate biographies about you for a few dollars. Is there anyway to safely communicate online in today’s super-connected world?
Consider how tracking and profiling is affecting your life: Your online activity, not just your credit habits, influences your ability to get a home loan. Online personal profiling captures startling details about your life. Did you know corporations are documenting your political views, sexual orientation and medical conditions? Your phone battery status (% charged) uniquely identifies you online. This is one of the tracking techniques used by corporations to compile information about you with shocking accuracy.
Facebook is perhaps the biggest profiling offender of them all. Facebook wants to help sell every ad on the web. The Facebook business model requires them to collect a staggering amount of your personal data so they can leverage that for profit.
Why is personal profiling so rampant? In short, profiling is at the core of almost every business model on the web. If the service is “free”, like Facebook and Instagram, they are almost certainly micro-profiling you. The more you use their site, the more they learn and the more they leverage your precious personal life story for profit. Therefore a private social media solution is needed if you want to prevent corporations from profiling and selling your life story.
Help has arrived. Imagine a new, consumer-focused, and independent company that has joined and strengthened the emerging privacy movement. Such a company would need a business model void of external marketing interests so it can put consumers first. That company is Connect23, LLC. “At Connect23, you are the customer. Our existence is 100% dependent upon pleasing the individual consumer. At other sites, consumers are merely a commodity because those business models only generate revenue by selling your personal life story for profit”, states Steve Twyman, founder of Connect23.
The family-friendly social media solution at Connect23 offers a secure alternative to Facebook and other profile-centric sites. Steve Twyman explains,“Social media is all about safe and private communication with your friends and family. Why should anyone profile your posts? Why should your memories be sold for profit?”
The difference between Connect23 and other “free” social media alternatives is the business model. The Connect23 business model is completely independent of external corporate interests and protecting the consumer is all that matters. Therefore private social media, safe social media and family-friendly social media can all happen at one secure place. At Connect23, your life story and precious memories stay between you, your family and your friends.
As entrenched corporations continue to leverage your deeply personal life story for profit, it is increasingly important to explore alternatives. If you are concerned about the depths at which giant tech companies are profiling you and what they might do next, then consider a trusted social media solution like Connect23. It is easy to switch because Connect23 offers a package to bring your family and friends over at once. Moreover, Connect23 (connect23.com) offers a safe, private, and profile-free social media experience to help those concerned about today’s increasingly invasive online practices.
Connect23 is your safe social media solution because you are the customer. Take back your life by joining Connect23 right now. #UnlimitedLife #GetThere