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Munich, Germany, 2016/07/27 - Producers of consumer goods, and machinery manufactures, will experience state of the art automation solutions for efficient production flow at FlexLink’s booth - FlexLink.com.
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The solutions demonstrate increased competitiveness for manufacturers by means of high throughput, production process hygiene, easy cleaning and high OEE. Meet us at Fachpack, Hall 3 / 3-323, September 27- 29th.
Clean production processes and high line efficiency are on top of the agenda and visitors will experience the state of the art hygienic wide belt conveyor, WLX. For the producers with the highest demands, the integrated chain cleaner will be demonstrated at the booth. FlexLink’s modular wide belt conveyor has already set new standards for cleaning results and cleaning process time in the food and personal products industries. The design follows the EHEDG guidelines and has been verified by the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). The ease and consistency in cleaning has proved by SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden.
Accurate and hands-on measuring of line OEE and identification of bottle necks are common issues on every line manager’s desk. FlexLink (flexlink.com) will demonstrate how easy it is to monitor your production line, and get real time production data and OEE values directly in your phone. As a concrete example of life cycle thinking, FlexLink will demonstrate the ease of conveyor system engineering and assembly. Visitors are welcome to participate and experience how intuitive and quick it can be.
In addition, FlexLink’s line design experts will demonstrate the production flow simulation and visualization tool for early verification of systems design and capacity. Finally, visitors will experience FlexLink’s smart safety engineering solutions including the award winning profile system for enclosures and safety guarding.
Visit FlexLink at Fachpack, Hall 3 / 3-323, September 27-29th in Nuremberg to discuss your production challenges with real, smart factory experts!
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