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Rome, Italy, 2016/06/01 - Enel has been confirmed in the Euronext Vigeo - World 120 index, which has listed the 120 most sustainable companies with the largest free-float market capitalisation in Europe, North America and the Asia Pacific region as of June 2016 - Enel.com. IT0003128367
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• The company has been confirmed in the Euronext Vigeo - World 120, Eurozone 120 and Europe 120 indices following the first half 2016 review;
• The Group’s Spanish subsidiary Endesa has also been included in the indices.
At the same time, Enel has made the regional Euronext Vigeo - Eurozone 120 and Europe 120 indices, which respectively list the 120 most sustainable companies with the largest free-float in the Eurozone and European regions. Enel has been included in these indices since their inception four years ago.
Enel Group’s Spanish subsidiary Endesa has also been included in all three indices. Endesa was first admitted to the World 120 index at the end of 2014, while it has been included in Eurozone 120 and Europe 120 indices since their inception.
The Euronext Vigeo indices of the environmental, sustainability and governance (ESG) agency Vigeo Eiris acknowledge the efforts of leading companies that place sustainable development at the core of their business agenda. Vigeo Eiris draws up the indices’ composition by analysing nearly 330 indicators for each company based on 38 criteria, including respect for the environment; human rights engagement and recognition of companies’ human capital; relations with stakeholders; corporate governance and business ethics; integrity in influencing policy and efforts to fight corruption; and the prevention of social and environmental dumping in the supply and subcontracting chain. Euronext Vigeo Eiris updates its inclusion criteria every six months, ensuring that the sustainability credentials of companies listed in its indices are constantly tested against the latest trends and global developments.
In addition to these three rankings, the Enel Group (enel.com) also participates in the world’s leading sustainability indices, including the Dow Jones Sustainability Index World, the FTSE4Good, the STOXX Global ESG Leaders indices and the Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index.
Enel's commitment to delivering the highest sustainability standards has attracted the increasing interest of socially responsible investment funds: based on the latest figures as of December 2015, SRI (Socially Responsible Investor) funds own 7.7% of Enel’s total outstanding shares (5.9% as of December 2014), equal to 10.3% of the company’s free-float (8.6% as of December 2014).
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| Euronext Vigeo |
Contact: Enel Group - Enel.com