Lesser Evil is an epic fantasy story that follows two disparate personalities, Reis Beldaken and Kester Belisario, as they attempt to the assassinate an emperor. Kester is a solider of the Church, bound to the mission out of desperation as his order stands on its last legs. Reis is a dark alchemist who seeks to kill the emperor for revenge. The story follows their journey to the capital while pursed by imperial forces and struggling with their conflicting ideals.
The first book in a new epic trilogy, Lesser Evil deals with the themes of good versus evil, what constitutes 'evil', and what people are willing to sacrifice in their pursuit of 'good.' Through the conflict between the pragmatic antihero, Reis, and the noble defender, Kester, readers are given two unique perspectives on what it takes to move forward in a harsh world.
Lesser Evil is available for purchase in softcover on Amazon, and will be available in ebook form for all major e-retailers including Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, and the iBook store.
To purchase a copy, please visit Lesser Evil's Amazon page, Amazon.com/Lesser-Evil-Trilogy/dp/1517363489/.
For more information and photos, please visit pfdavids.com
About P.F. Davids
P.F. Davids (pfdavids.com) grew up being inspired by fantasy authors such as JRR Tolkien, JK Rowling, and RA Salvatore. Their worlds inspired hundreds of his own. Now he hopes his own books can thrill and entertain as well as those of the writers who inspired them. He has spent the better part of his life as a resident of Central Florida, where the unique people he has met have formed the basis of the quirks and mannerisms of the characters who populate his worlds.