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Bakersfield, CA, United States, 2015/06/29 - Dr. Kelly's new book shows that New Atheism mirror's soviet atheism and a cult, by it's own leader's words, and by peer-reviewed sociological definitions.
Dr. Leviak B. Kelly, author of Religion: The Ultimate STD? - a book about the origins of religion has released his new book, The Leprechaun Delusion, written about the movement known as “New Atheism”, a movement which Dr. Kelly has exposed as a harmful religious and sociological cult. The book is available for pre-order on Amazon and, additionally, will be released to Barnes & Noble, and also distributed to other bookstores.
Dr. Leviak Kelly has written the Leprechaun Delusion in response to the New Atheist movement, an anti-theistic group informally founded and popularized by “The Four Horseman” of New Atheism; Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett, and the late Christopher Hitchens. In the book, Dr. Leviak uses peer-reviewed scientific papers - as well as the Four Horseman's own admissions - to prove that New Atheism is a dangerous sociological cult movement that mirrors soviet atheism in its early development, and is itself, a religion.
Dr. Leviak B. Kelly is a non-theist with a Doctorate in Divinity as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Cal State University Fullerton, and the author of Religion: The Ultimate STD? Living a spiritual life without dogmatics or cultural destruction, as well as The Leprechaun Delusion. Later in his life, Dr. Leviak Kelly received certifications in virology and immunology from ALISON through classes by Dr. Raccaniello.