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New York, NY, United States, 2014/07/18 - After a decade of incapacitating injury, Denise Cavassa, CMA returns with techniques, tips, and wellness information she calls, "Health-Hacks"! - DeniseCavassa.com.
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Offering life-enhancing information for free, Denise Cavassa, CMA brings tidbits for easier, healthful living with her "Goodies" blog at DeniseCavassa.com.
A wealth of information, DeniseCavassa.com offers useful information on everything from how to drink more water without regrets to how to healthily clean your yoga mat! Being a highly sensitive person who avoids chemically processed foods and medicines, Denise is a natural wellness advocate, citing her own experiences of success.
Believing that knowledge is for sharing, Ms. Cavassa's BodyKnowledge™ techniques continue to evolve as "The User Manual for the Human Body."
Her concern is for the people who honor the Gift of Life by caring for themselves with the utmost intelligence and respect and who extend the same consideration to others in their lives.
Readers will also have the pleasure of gaining first glimpses of The Adventures of FitQueen, a fantasy-style, health adventure, and sample BodyKnowledge™ techniques on the blog!
Coming soon is a feature dealing specifically with managing pain and depression, which go hand-in-hand and contribute to the difficulties of dealing with each.
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