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Cedar Rapids, IA, United States, 2014/06/19 - The Hotel at Kirkwood added the RoomChecker mobile application to their housekeeping inspection process. The RoomCheck app collects daily room inspections & sends out notifications of issues found. Issue management increases the speed of resolution.
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The Hotel at Kirkwood Center, No. 1 ranked hotel in Iowa by AAA (2012), is dedicated to integrating state-of-the-art innovations into their educational environment. This pursuit of excellence has led them to use the RoomChecker mobile app for daily room inspections. RoomChecker enables mobile communication for housekeeping managers and provides automatic issue communications to their staff.
“Room checker not only makes keeping records much easier and more convenient to use, it is also a “greener” method of keeping those records, we don’t have a lot of paperwork laying around.” John Benefield, Executive Housekeeper at the hotel said. “The App makes it much easier to keep track of and follow up on issues found in the rooms, allowing us to spend more time on taking care of the guests.”
In 2011, the hotel became a prestigious member of the Summit Hotels & Resorts brand. That year they also earned the 4-Dimond Award from AAA. The Hotel at Kirkwood has earned the award for three years running. They maintain this level of excellence with the help of their professional staff, which includes Kirkwood College students starting their careers in hospitality.
“The room checker app is a great way for us to teach our students. Each room has a checklist that is completed so it is easier for the students to follow the checklist instead of trying to remember everything.” remarked Dawn Stoltenberg, The Hotel at Kirkwood’s Rooms Inspector. “Housekeeping has moved out of the Stone Age and into the Modern Age with one giant leap. We have caught up with the rest of the hotel in our use of technology to make our job performance better.”
The RoomChecker mobile app moves room inspections from traditional completion of paper forms to collection of electronic data. This type of collection provides many benefits since issues, upon submission, are automatically sent to staff responsible for resolution. Open issues are tracked through completion so nothing falls through the cracks. Trend reports are available to help with room, item and staff management. The RoomChecker app also eliminates the mounds of paperwork that is filed away without analysis or summary reports ever being completed.
“We are excited about working with The Hotel at Kirkwood. Their level of new technology implementation made this a perfect fit. We admire their ongoing search for new and innovative ways to improve their quality of service.” stated Robin Mangold, principal at qMetrix Group. “We look forward to working with them through the coming years.”
Feedback from The Hotel at Kirkwood and other hotels and resorts continues to bring to light potential enhancement for the RoomChecker app. qMetrix Group is dedicated to ongoing innovation to provide customers with cutting edge, quality improvement solutions.
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Contact: Robin Mangold - qmetrixgroup.com
319-393-3230 rmangold[.]qmetrixgroup.com