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Los Angeles, CA, United States, 2014/06/10 - Confessions of a Soup Nazi, An Adventure in Acting & Cooking by Larry Thomas is now in production - RealSoupNazi.com.
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About Larry Thomas
Who doesn't know about the Soup Nazi? You would literally have to live under a rock with no access to television, social media, newspapers, or the internet to not have at least been aware of this phenomenon. How many times has actor Larry Thomas uttered the four (4) most famous words in television history..."No Soup For You!"? Way, way more times than he can possibly count.
Next year marks the 20th anniversary of the famous & iconic episode that sparked an entire genre of "Nazis". You can't go anywhere today without hearing someone with an over the top personality/obsession being referred to as "The ________ Nazi". When the unknown actor, Larry Thomas, auditioned for that role on his favorite television comedy, little did he know how drastically and completely it would change his life forever. His book covers it all, every recipe has a story and every story has a recipe. After much coercion from friends and fans, Mr. Thomas has completed his book and it is in the hands of the publisher for release in the early fall of 2014.
About Confessions Of A Soup Nazi
This entertaining autobiography/cook book will take you through the life of a dedicated actor who became an overnight success after fifteen (15) years ...overnight being fifteen (15) years. It is his favorite recipes interspersed with stories about getting that "big break", everything that led him to that point, and all the fun things that followed, along with some favorite never before seen photos. Doesn't everyone want the Soup Nazi's favorite recipes? Elaine certainly did! As an amateur chef and the son of a restaurateur, how ironic that he grew up to play one of the most famous television "chefs" of all time. Rumor has it that this book is just the beginning. Stay Tuned!
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