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Santa Fe, NM, United States, 2014/02/24 - Presenting a weekend intensive - Wisdom Owl for Global Awakening: the 7 Mirrors of Western Culture - for academic credit for counselors, therapists, psychologists and other transformational professionals - OhkiSimineForest.com.
Acclaimed Native wisdom-holder and social justice advocate Ohki S. Forest returns to Southwestern College, in Santa Fe, New Mexico, to lead an in-depth experiential Red Lodge weekend focusing on the ancient Maya teaching - 7 Mirrors of the West. Living Maya medicine people consider the problems of the modern world to be largely a result of entrapment in illusions held in these Mirrors which obstruct people in their efforts to foster healthier, more resilient selves, families, communities and nations. The teachings define a path and practices for cracking these mirrors of delusion to reach clear perceptions of reality. From the stability of this common ground are formed strong, creative relationships and works of all kinds.
Through ceremonies, meditations, shamanic journeys and ancient practices, Ohki invokes the medicine guide of Wisdom Owl and leads participants in a discovery of the nature of the West wall of the Medicine Wheel and the vast resources that wait beyond this wall. She offers time-tested medicine ways for breaking through the Mirrors to reclaim the true powers of the West.
Of Canadian Mohawk descent, Ohki has shared the Red Lodge shamanism of her life with students and apprentices in the U.S. and Mexico for over 30 years. The matrifocal shamanism she teaches is based in her training and initiations with Maya, Mongolian and Canadian shamans and in her dedication to the restitution of indigenous peoples as wisdom leaders through the return of ancient Council Ways. She is author of Dreaming the Council Ways: True Native Teachings from the Red Lodge. The Wisdom Owl weekend is a unique opportunity to engage in individual and transpersonal shamanic healing with a delightful and rare indigenous woman teacher.
Southwestern College, a consciousness-centered graduate school, offers Masters Degrees in Counseling and Art Therapy/Counseling in addition to specialty certificates for ongoing professional development. Academic credit is available for the weekend by calling Southwestern College at 877.471.5756 to register for Wisdom Owl.
For more information on Ohki and the non-profit organization, Red Wind Councils, that is sponsoring her visit from her home in Chiapas, Mexico, contact the Red Wind Center of Santa Fe or visit Ohki's website.