Renova Design like many other companies have evaluated their overall sales performance for the past year. Confirming the recent trend their Website based Company, Renova Wedding Invitations, have radically increased their sales performance over the past year. The company believe the trend for customer to seek out, and purchase high quality products, via this media is only set to increase.
Renova’s commitment to web based marketing has been further strengthened with the news that same sex couples will also be allowed to marry as from March 2014; Not only great news for the couples in question, but good news for all the wedding services providers around the country.
The Renova Design management team recognise the importance of presenting customers with a shopping experience that is clear, informative, and pleasant, as well as providing the perfect product at the right price. With this objective in mind a complete re-design of their website was commissioned in December of last year. The brief simple and clear “make our website reflect the best practices in presentation as seen in the leading high street retailers”
The first objective was to create a very clear uncluttered and modern look, allowing the customer to easily view our new season range; each range to then be accessible for drilldown to view individual details and style choice.
Given the nature of our business, that of wedding invitations and stationery, the customer will have a great deal of personal information needing to be communicated to the print layout team; it was therefore an essential part of the brief that pre-formatted forms be accessible at logical points during the order process.
A serious problems the team was to encounter, was that of SEO. One of the requirements to be successful in Google searches is to have substantial text content, containing as many search phrases as possible on each page of the website. This basic requirement was at odds with the philosophy of Renova’s simple, clear and uncluttered approach. After many days of deliberation it was decided to stay with the ethos of providing customers with a clear and straight forward experience and forgo the search phrase blurb deemed necessary for web success.
Renova Design (renova-weddinginvitations.co.uk) believe wholeheartedly in bringing style and minimalism to the web and respectfully urge search engines to recognise the benefits of this philosophy to their users.