Prices and demand for fancy colored diamonds are rising. Online diamond specialist ASTERIA is leading the trend in supplying these rare gemstones, making these prized investments more attainable.
Historically, a completely colorless diamond was considered the ideal gem. Total lack of color in a clear diamond with a beautiful cut was perceived as the peak of diamond excellence. However, colored diamonds are today recognized by celebrities and industry experts for their originality, beauty and for the distinct investment opportunity they offer. ASTERIA is a leading colored diamond specialist.
Yesterday, Chrisitie’s New York hosted its annual Magnificent Jewels sale at Rockefeller Center, which included 500 lots featuring important colored and colorless diamonds and rare gemstones. Rahul Kadakia, the head of jewellery for Christie’s America and Switzerland said,“Beginning with the historic sale of the 'Princie Diamond' in New York in April to 'The Orange' in Geneva this November, collectors worldwide paid record prices to acquire the rarest and finest gemstones that appeared on the auction block.” Similarly, in June, Bloomberg reported the excellent investment quality of rare colored diamonds on its "Money Moves” segment.
ASTERIA is a specialist in these rare and beautiful gemstones. Fancy Colored Diamonds are produced in nature in a wide spectrum of colors, including blue, pink, yellow, orange, green, champagne, grey, black, red, purple, chameleon, violet and fancy white. ASTERIA offers rings, pendants, necklaces, bracelets, earrings and other jewelry, as well as collectors’ pieces.
Eliyahu Bashari, CEO, adds “At Asteria, we believe in offering rare gems that are both beautiful and a great investment value. We do our best to help each customer find the unique product that they are looking for.”
ASTERIA (asteriadiamonds.com) was founded 40 years ago by Eliyahu Bashari. Today, Asteria is managed by Eliyahu’s family as well as diamonds experts from all over the world. ASTERIA maintains close connections with wholesalers, designers, and industry traders allowing ASTERIA to offer the best stones at the best possible prices. ASTERIA ships worldwide and has subsidiaries in the U.S.A and China, as well as representatives in Hong Kong and various locations in Europe including London and Paris.