KnowledgeLake, the SharePoint ECM Company, is thrilled to announce the kick-off of their SharePoint Customer Journey Roadshow. The series, presented by KnowledgeLake along with AvePoint, the leader in governance, compliance, and management solutions for social enterprise collaboration platforms, and K2, will focus on common SharePoint issues and how partner solutions can address your business needs.
Kicking off in Louisville on August 20, the series will continue into mid-October with events in over a dozen cities. Presentations, delivered by Microsoft knowledge experts and their partners, will focus on maximizing value from your SharePoint investment. The half-day event will conclude with a catered lunch.
“For those companies who have made an investment in SharePoint and want to maximize their return or increase the scope of use, this half day seminar is a great idea. I've spoken with hundreds of customers that recognize SharePoint has huge potential for their organization, but they are unclear of which path to take. This seminar will help guide them in the right direction on that journey,” said Kevin Ells, director of marketing, KnowledgeLake.
Agenda topics will include:
• How to ensure a successful initial deployment with SharePoint;
• Extend SharePoint to your whole company and create broad adoption;
• Extend the core capabilities of the platform by building Business Solutions;
• Customer Case Studies.
Visit the SharePoint Customer Journey website for more details, list of dates and locations and to register. The roadshow will have stops in Louisville, Nashville, Tampa, Atlanta, Cincinnati, Chicago, Boston, Dallas, Houston, Philadelphia, New York, Waukesha, Minneapolis and Des Moines. Seats are limited, so register now for an event near you.
About AvePoint
AvePoint (avepoint.com) is a global technology company and proven software leader. Since its founding in 2001, AvePoint has become the world's largest provider of enterprise-class governance, compliance, and management solutions for social enterprise collaboration platforms. AvePoint helps more than 10,000 customers including many Fortune 500 companies and government agencies meet their specific business objectives by enabling collaboration with confidence. AvePoint, Inc. is headquartered and maintains its principal operational center in Jersey City, NJ, with wholly owned operational centers in the USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Japan, Singapore, and China. AvePoint is a Depth Managed Microsoft Gold Certified Application Development Partner and Gold Certified Collaboration and Content Partner as well as a US Government GSA provider via strategic partnerships.
About K2
We power the people who build great companies. For more than a decade, K2 has been helping customers rapidly transform their companies with applications that connect the right people to the right information and work. With offices and distributors all over the globe and a powerful partner network, more than a million users in more than 80 countries rely on K2 to streamline operations, save money and reduce risk. Dispute impossible.
About KnowledgeLake
KnowledgeLake transforms SharePoint into an easy-to-use, powerful and scalable Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solution that enables organizations to manage corporate content and collaborate more effectively and efficiently across the entire organization. Headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, KnowledgeLake is a three-time Microsoft Partner of the year award winner and is recognized as the founder of the SharePoint document imaging marketplace in 2003. KnowledgeLake enables its customers to maximize and extend their already sound investments in proven Microsoft technologies, such as Microsoft Windows Server, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft Office. Equity funded by PFU Ltd. (a wholly owned subsidiary of Fujitsu Ltd., ) KnowledgeLake is a strong, stable and global company with over two million licensed users in 35 countries.
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