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Zurich, Switzerland, 2007/01/24 - Object Solutions is growing and conquering the upcoming Indian market: Opening of the branch office Object Solutions India in Bangalore.
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On the event of Foodtec Mumbai at the end of November 2006 Object Solutions AG has officially opened a new Sales and Support Branch in Bangalore, India and has thus taken a major step forward in strengthening its international network. The aim of the new Object Solutions branch is to optimally serve the fast-growing food industry in India. In this way, the leading vendor for innovative software solutions for the food industry is securing a strong position in the markets of the sub-continent.
The market segment of industrially manufactured foodstuffs in India is worldwide one of the most leading growth markets. The Indian market is growing very fast with respect to production, consumption and import/export. Commercialization of the food industry is increasingly being promoted with the reforms announced by the government. This has opened interesting vistas especially for foreign investors.
Just in the next twelve months, India will see the opening of several hundred shopping centers that are currently under construction. This reflects the upbeat mood in which the entire retail market in India is currently located. The fast growing demand for Western consumer goods for the middle class of 200 to 300 million Indian classes with increasing buying power is waiting to be met. Changing consumption habits of the Indian population is also seeing changes in the production segment. Severin Weiss – CEO of Object Solutions is concentrating since a long time on the Indian market: “A market analysis and survey of large Indian manufacturers of foodstuffs in India conducted at the beginning of the year has shown us the immense need for professional software solutions in Product Development and Quality Assurance. This is also one of the factors that has strengthened us in our resolution to be active and invest in India.”
The Indian foodstuff companies are facing immense challenges, especially in the fields of quality management. The current development and production processes still do not meet Western standards. Indian foodstuff manufacturers are setting their eyes not only on the fast-growing Indian market but also on exports. India as an agricultural country has large quantities of good quality and cheap raw materials to offer. Indian companies are investing in Western know-how to meet food processing quality standards of the West and also to fulfill the requirements of the Food Administration Acts. This is just what Object Solutions offers in the form of modern and user-friendly solutions. The focus is mainly on the special and complex aspects of Product Development and Quality Assurance in global competition.
About Object Solutions
Object Solutions Software AG (objectsolutions.eu) with headquarters in Zurich (Switzerland) and branches in Germany, Slovakia and India is the leading vendor of innovative solutions for Product Development and Quality Assurance in the food industry. Dr. Oetker, Hilcona, Develey und Roncadin (to name a few) are well-known customers who are using the modern and user-friendly software solutions from Object Solutions to handle and lead in the special and complex aspects of Product Development in global competition for attractive products.
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Contact: Christian Winter - ObjectSolutions.eu
+41 44 500 75 00 cwinter[.]objectsolutions.eu